Prepare Yourself For The Age Of Aquarius | The Odyssey Online
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Prepare Yourself For The Age Of Aquarius

2017 will be more of a fresh start than you could have possibly imagined.

Prepare Yourself For The Age Of Aquarius

The Horoscope consists of 12 astrological signs, each corresponding with a different time of the year. From the spirited Aries to the emotionally driven Cancers and dual-sided Gemini, we buy into our astrological signs in order to explain aspects of ourselves, the good and bad, and to understand what makes us tick. But did you know, scientifically, Earth's history has also been divided into 12 parts?

Roughly every 2,150 years, the Earth's axis experiences a slight wobble. These wobbles (also known as the precession of the equinoxes) have been separated into 12 instances, reflecting the 12 signs of the zodiac, based on which astrological constellation the Earth's axis is pointing to. In the belief of astrology, from 2000 B.C to 0 A.D., the planet was in the Age of Taurus. From 0 A.D. to the 2000s, the Earth saw the Age of Pisces — members of this zodiac sign are known for clinging emotionally to their environment, for "going with the flow," and they tend to seek control of their environment. A Pisces is known for being compassionate, gentle and a wise artistically inclined individual. However, their weaknesses include falling victim to imitating the personalities and problems of other individuals, losing their identities in the mix, and being overly fearful. If this applies to individuals born under this zodiac sign, what could it mean for influencing the Earth for the past 2000 years?

The Piscean has been ruled by hierarchy, an age marked with several rises and falls to power, a split into political parties, a divide among the people and a rift in consciousness. The Piscean is marked as a water symbol, under the belief system of astrology. This can account for their changeable nature, and a desire to find their place in society. We see people clinging to an ideology, a religion or a social construct in order to identify themselves. A Pisces can see the plane between the spiritual and physical realm, struggling with the balance, so they often decide to follow leaders or guides with said spiritual knowledge without awareness that they themselves possess it. We are still transitioning between the Piscean and the Aquarian Ages, and the former age will continue to cling to humanity. An excellent example of this is the 2016 United States presidential election. In order to fulfill the role of a human being, we feel that we must identify with others. Cue the chilling hate and divide between political parties recently. As we stay guarded by our political ideologies, we group other beings by their own ideologies and let it divide us.

The Aquarian Age, unlike the hierarchy ruling of the Piscean, will be controlled by networks and information. It has brought about an age of self-awareness, and a positive shift in consciousness. In the 2000s, we saw a new wave of techniques that helped to bolster our inner selves. From meditation and yoga to therapy and self-help books, we have made positive strides towards an age of enlightenment. The Women's Rights Movement, transgender/LGBT community advances, feminism, and a general shift to being open-minded and accepting have contributed to human progress. The new age has gone from seeking guidance from leaders to seeking guidance within ourselves. We will eventually see a hierarchy change, a human power shift that leans toward mutual understanding, and a horizontal dispersal of information, guided by communication as opposed to a vertical hierarchy of knowledge.

One word that is largely constituent in the shift to the Aquarian, and is often overlooked for its true meaning, is consciousness. "Consciousness" is the awareness by the mind of itself and its world. The Age of Aquarius will see humanity shift toward consciousness — an awareness by the mind of itself and the world. We will emerge from the Piscean no longer seeking entitlement to give us purpose. Instead, we will become whole by becoming aware of our true selves, and the vast knowledge we all contain.

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