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4 Things To Remember As You Celebrate A Safe, COVID-Free Halloween This Year

There is no reason to miss out on the fun and spooky holiday, you just need to make a few changes for the sake of public health.

4 Things To Remember As You Celebrate A Safe, COVID-Free Halloween This Year

As Halloween approaches, there is a lot of concern surrounding the holiday — namely, how to celebrate the usual Halloween traditions in a manner that is safe for everyone and respectful of COVID-19. It's not as complicated as it sounds! There are four main things to remember as you participate in a 2020 Halloween.

1. Check the numbers for your neighborhood

Do you know how your community is faring with the virus these days? Look up the infection rate for your neighborhood before making a plan to head outside. If the case numbers are high or show a sharp upward trend, you should do the responsible thing and stay at home.

2. Think about who is going out with you

Whether you are trick or treating, or just out browsing costumes, you need to think about your strategy. Are you going out with a friend or two, another family, or several families' kids? Remember to discuss mask safety and distancing protocol (as is appropriate to your individual situation) before you meet up and head out.

3. Stay distanced

If you are going out to trick or treat, stay away from other trick or treaters and from the people whom you visit. If you are expecting trick or treaters to visit you, consider mixing it up a bit this year by doing things like setting out a bowl of candy and a jar of hand sanitizer, or by greeting your neighbors at a distance and throwing packets of candy to them! Either way, make sure you keep your mask on at all times and wear disposable gloves while handling candy packets and greeting others.

4. Consider an alternative

If you can't go out this year, or you simply do not want to take the risk and are opting to stay in, there are plenty of fun Halloween activities you can do to set the mood for an awesome Halloween! Watch a horror movie, thriller, or a fun family classic like "It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" Make tasty Halloween treats, funky decorations, or jack-o-lanterns, or even take the time to plan a scavenger hunt for your family.

2020 has been a stressful year and every holiday since the start of the virus has been impacted by it, but if you follow CDC safety guidelines and take a little time to plan, you and those around you can have a spooky, happy Halloween.

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