Guys' Least Favorite Things About Sex
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14 Hookup No-No's Girls Do That Will Have Guys Missing Their Own Hand

College guys get real about what they don't like when it comes to hooking up on campus.

14 Hookup No-No's Girls Do That Will Have Guys Missing Their Own Hand
"Girls" on HBO

When it comes to complaining, guys usually don't have any negatives about getting laid, but after speaking with different guys on college campuses, they shared a few gripes about sex.

Here are 14 different guys' least favorite thing about sex:

1. Using too much teeth

"Sex is too good to have something to complain about, but I hate when a girl uses too much teeth." - 22, single

Ever bitten your own tongue? The pain that hits you feels like hell and you ask yourself why it even happened. Imagine that frustration while having sex. No dude wants to feel your sharp teeth chiseling away at his penis.

"Shit feels like sandpaper rubbing against your tip. It just hurts." - 19, single

2. When there is little effort given

"If y'all don't want to have sex, then don't do it. I can tell when you're half-assing it because I'm not having fun." - 21, single

You don't turn in a paper half-written, and you don't send text messages without words. So, don't put in half the effort when you're getting it on. If you're not into it, neither will he.

"Girls get your hopes up talking all big, then when it's time to step up and show me what she can do, she doesn't." - 21, single

3. The ending

"I don't know who can complain about sex, if you can, then I don't what kind of sex you're having." - 22, single

Hey Alexa, play" Moment 4 Life" by Nicki Minaj.

It's simple, men like sex and if there was a replay button for their favorite moments during sex, then the button would be worn thin.

4. Dry head

"Not all girls know how to get sloppy with it, they don't use enough spit." - 20, single

Cotton mouth isn't cute. There is no way either parties can enjoy the moment because one person's mouth is as dry as the Sahara Desert and the other person is dealing with the friction.

5. The clean up

"You have to do laundry in the middle of the night because you're all sweaty and the sheets are dirty, but you just want to go to bed." - 20, single

You are exhausted and all ready for bed, but now you have to get up and do laundry because of the mess that has been made. You enjoyed it while it last, but now it's back to reality.

6. Being quiet

"I feel bored, I need you to make noise or I'm going to feel like I'm doing something bad." - 20, single

You don't go to a concert and stand in silence so don't hold back during sex. Let out everything your feeling and let him know he is doing everything right.

7. The smell of latex condoms

"They smell like burnt ass rubber and like Auto Zone." - 19, single

You're riding the wave and next thing you know a whiff of chemicals blows across your nose. Having sex is an organic moment between two parties, sometimes the smell of condoms are distracting and take away from the pleasure.

8. Wearing protection

"Condoms don't feel good, they take out the feeling." - 20, single

It's more fun when he can feel everything inside. They want to take in the entire experience, from feeling, to taste, and even smell. Without feeling comes less sensation and even less satisfaction.

8 Excuses To Use To Get Out Of Wearing A Condom

9. Being the main force for thrusting

"We're the ones who have to do all the thrusting, forward-back, forward-back, shit we get tired too." - 20, single

Next time ladies when you think you're putting in all the work, remember, the guy is the main one who has to constantly thrust and do it at a pace you enjoy.

10. Overextending your stay

"You came over for one thing, the M.O. (main objective) is completed, so you need to go." - 19, single

You don't have to go home, but you have to get out of his house. If you know you're a one night stand, don't expect it to be like a scene off of "Pretty Woman." As much as you don't want to do the walk of shame, he does not want you there.

11. Timing when to pull out

"There's always that moment when you got to think 'did I pull out?'" - 20, single

You know when you are popping a bag of popcorn and you don't want it to burn, but you also want to make sure you don't leave too many kernels, so now you have to end the microwave at just the right moment. Men have to enjoy the climax as long as they can before the tiny baby making sperm decide to change location.

12. Finding out the squad already smashed

"If she follows more than five of my teammates, issa no for me dog." - 19, single

Guys don't feel special when they know you have already smashed all of their friends. No one wants a homie hopper.

"I don't like sharing females." - 21, single

13. If she leaves any clothing on

"I understand if you're a little self conscious, but if I want to fuck you then I'm already cool with your body." - 21, single

Guys don't see your body the way you do. You have something he wants and he could care less about your insecurities. No guy is going to pick apart your body after they have already gotten you undressed.

"I'm already hard, so I don't care." - 20, single

14. Having to take her homeĀ 

"I have to give you this work and now I have to take you home, yeah I can't stand having to do that." - 19, single

After a hookup, the last thing you want to do is have an awkward car ride home. All you can think about is the nasty stuff you just did, and have nothing to say.

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