7 Reasons 'Grey's Anatomy' Is An All-Time Go-To Show | The Odyssey Online
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7 Reasons 'Grey's Anatomy' Is An All-Time Go-To Show

No matter how many times you watch this show, it's an all time go to and rewatch!

7 Reasons 'Grey's Anatomy' Is An All-Time Go-To Show

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We've all watched Grey's once, twice, ten, fifteen times but that's beside the point. "Grey's Anatomy" is great any time of the year, month, week, day. You love it and you can't get enough of it and I think this might just be why...

1.The drama.

Every episode has some sort of drama going on in it. Whether it's medical related or relationship related!

2. Mcdreamy & Mcsteamy... nuff said.

How can you not just want to watch this show to see more of these guys! I mean come on, look at them!!

3. Meredith and Cristina's friendship is honestly. #GOALS

They are the ultimate friendship goals! They have taught us how to know you found your "person".

4. Karev.

Completely hilarious, you can't help but to hate him and love him at the same time.

5. Bailey.

Lets face it, we all had that teacher just like Bailey

6. It's relatable.

In every single way! School, love life, friendships, and life lessons!

7. It's addicting.

You can't stop watching even though you're crying and you're heart gets ripped out of your chest as you continue throughout the seasons. You need to keep watching, YOU CAN'T STOP!

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