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15 Reasons Why New Year's Eve Is The Best Holiday

'Tis the season where we can ~finally~ get together and watch the ball drop.

15 Reasons Why New Year's Eve Is The Best Holiday

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New Year's Eve has always been my favorite holiday.

New Year's is definitely an underrated holiday and I have actually come into contact with a lot of people who usually do not do a thing for New Year's Eve but I am here to tell you why you should celebrate and pay attention to this awesome holiday.

Here are 15 reasons why New Year's Eve is the all-time greatest holiday

Anticipation Of The Ball Dropping 


How could you not get excited when everyone starts to do the countdown for the ball to drop?!

All Of Your Favorite Artists Perform


One of my all-time favorite memories was watching one of Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year's Eve shows in 2008 and seeing the Jonas Brothers perform.

The Bubbly Drinks


Whether it's champagne or sparking cider, we all love a glass of bubbly to bring in the new year.

A Fresh Start


A brand new year means a brand new start.

New Year's Resolutions


Speaking of a fresh start, a new year means coming up with resolutions in order to start the year off right with bettering yourself and/or your life.

The Glitter And Sparkles


Whether it's sparkly party decorations or shiny outfits, how could you not love all the glitter and glam that comes with this holiday?!

The New Year's Kiss


I love how romantic this concept is. Besides, what better way to bring in a new year than with a kiss?

There's ~Usually~ Great Food 


When you attend any New Year's Eve party, there's usually a plethora of food to choose from.

Friends & Family


New Year's Eve is the ultimate holiday to spend time with your friends and family.

Especially since the best way to ring in the New Year is being surrounded by the people you love.

It's Celebrated All Around The World


Every country rings in the New Year and we can even see their fireworks thanks to the U.S. broadcast since we are in different time zones.



The only other holiday that we get this many fireworks is the 4th of July.

It's The Most Underrated Holiday


You are truly unique if you're anxiously waiting to ring in the New Year unlike so many others.

Auld Lang Syne

Wikimedia Commons

This song is usually played when the clock strikes midnight.

It's one of the greatest New Year's Eve traditions and is just a great song with good meaning behind it in general.

You ~usually~ Get The Next Day Off


Most schools and businesses have reduced or closed hours for New Year's day so it's basically a win-win.

There's a whole movie about it


The movie came out in 2011 and has all your favorite celebrities including Ashton Kutcher, Lea Michele, Bon Jovi, Halle Berry, and Zac Efron.

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