Graduating college is one of the best opportunities and experiences to have in life no matter your age, education, degree, or timeline. Live in the moment of your cap and gown and be extremely proud of yourself, but do not become sheltered and trapped with the piece of paper in hand.
Remember that life is more than just a piece of paper with numbers and letters or which college you graduated from. So many successful individuals did not go to college and are doing well in life. Remember that life is what you make of it.
If you seek to have a high-paying job and only focus on the income, you will lose sight of everything else. Multiple friends of mine did not go to college and are living their dreams each and every day. I wish that companies and employers would look at people for who they are and not the diploma in hand.
So many people have potential, are intelligent, and can offer some amazing skills and qualities to a company, but are refused and overlooked because they do not have the “required” material.
I hope that those who are graduating college realize that they are worth something in this world. You have come this far, so keep going. Do not give up and do whatever you feel is successful for yourself. As people strive to be CEO’s and famously featured on a magazine cover, I look at myself and realize that I want to work in a coffee shop and write. I may not be making the best income and have to work overtime at three different jobs just to cover rent, but I did not choose to be an English Major for the money; I chose it for the passion.
“Do what you love and never work a day in your life.” –Harvey MacKay
It is true, find what you love and do it. By the age of 18-23, most people only know what life is like through school. There is so much more than just classrooms, homework, exams, and studying. This is a new chapter for graduates, so run wild and let the unknown abyss be okay. It is okay to not know what the plan is after graduation because there are not many times in life where we really do not know the next move. Try to be comfortable with the freedom that you have and search to find your own happiness. If that means working at a gas station, do it. If that means traveling across the world, do it. If that means living at home and trying to beat the next level on Super Mario, do it. There is nothing in this world that can constrain you other than yourself. Let your passions and excitement about the unknown world drive your next move. Now, I am not saying that you should completely disregard these past years and forget about your degree, but slow down and take a breath. All will fall into place.
We are told over and over that success looks like the number on a paycheck. Do not strive for wealth; instead, strive for happiness, love, and support. You do you in your best way, and with that, the best things will come. So as the graduation ceremony happens, and your tassel is flipped to the other side of your cap, welcome this new chapter with arms wide open. You never know where life will take you unless you decide to take its destination.