College graduation is one of the most exhilarating, and yet, one of the terrifying experiences you will deal with in your lifetime. It is an emotional roller coaster in just a matter of 24 hours. You have to at least try to emotionally prepare yourself the night before the ceremony and convince yourself that everything is going to be okay. You will try not to cry yourself to sleep.Thinking about the future is a horrifying thing and kind of exciting at the same time. But before you have to go through any actual “adult-ing” situations or decisions, you have to go through the graduation ceremony. I am bringing Parks and Recreation into the picture to make this process a little more tolerable.
How you feel when you wake up:
How you feel when you're getting ready:
How you feel when you’re all dressed in your gown and ready to go/How hyped you are when you walk in:
Hoping this is what the speeches will sound like:
What the speeches actually do to you once you pay attention:
Contemplating how you will pay back your college debt while the speeches are happening:
Waiting for all of the speeches to stop telling you scary future things:
Hoping they pronounce your name correctly:
Convincing yourself you won't mess up walking across the stage:
Knowing you're about to have your college diploma:
Realizing that your college career is over and you have to learn how to “adult.”
Attempting to bring your family out to eat after the ceremony, but knowing it will be crowded everywhere you go:
Trying to tell your family that you're fine and you're looking forward to the future:
Apologizing for your emotional lashing out:
When graduation day is over and you lie in bed and overthink:
But then you realize it's all a part of the journey and that everything will work out the way it's supposed to:
So all in all, it may feel like you’re going through a mid-life crisis before you even graduate. This is, unfortunately, a normal feeling to feel. You are about to go out into the real world and that’s not easy, but in my opinion, everything works out the way it should. You have to believe in yourself and keep in mind that everything is going to be great. The world outside of college is full of opportunities and we all should look forward to that instead of dread it. College has prepared us for the real world. It's taught you
enough so that you can get a stable job that you love. Even though the graduation ceremony is an emotional process, look on the bright side and be excited about your bright future.
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