4. "Once men have tasted caviar, it baffles me how they settle for catfish." Blair Waldorf | The Odyssey Online
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Find Inspiration for 2024 with These Iconic 'Gossip Girl' Lines

You Know You Love Me, XOXO

 Gossip Girl Quotes

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Hey there, Upper East Siders, Gossip Girl here to remind you of some iconic quotes to inspire you into 2024.

1. "Here's my advice. Have a little faith, and if that doesn't work, have a lot of mimosas." Blair Waldorf

Blair Waldorf Quote


2. "Sometimes you need to step outside, clear head and remind yourself of who you are. And where you wanna be. And sometimes you have to venture outside your world in order to find yourself." Gossip Girl

XoXo Gossip Girl

3. "People don't tell you who you are, you tell them." Serena Van Der Woodsen

Quote Serena Van Der Woodsen


4. "Once men have tasted caviar, it baffles me how they settle for catfish." Blair Waldorf

Quote Gossip Girl


5. "You know what they say: A man is a good thing to come home to...and a better thing to come with." Gossip Girl

Quote Gossip Girl

6. "You have to decide what's most important to you. Keeping your pride and getting nothing or taking a risk and maybe, maybe having everything." Dan Humphrey

Quote Dan Humphrey

7. "I'm not a stop along the way. I'm a destination. And if you refuse to come, I'm going to need find a replacement." Blair Waldorf

Blair Quote


8. "A wise woman once said that every morning when you wake up you say a little prayer. After all, you never know what your day may hold." Gossip Girl

Quote Gossip Girl

9. "I don't need friends. I need more champagne." Blair Waldorf

Gossip Girl Champagne Quote


10. "She has no time to care." Dorota

Dorota Quote

11. "Oh, life is so bountiful. I don't even need a boyfriend." Blair...again


12. "Eric, somewhere in between a Marlines jersey and the absolute truth lies the better part of decorum. Becoming an adult means learning that." Lily Van Der Woodsen

13. "Prohibition never stood a chance against exhibition. It's human nature to be free. And no matter how long you try to be good, you can't keep a good girl down." Gossip Girl

XoXo Quote Gossip Girl


14. "What I want, if to become a powerful woman." Blair Waldorf

Blair Quote Gossip Girl

15. "Life with you could never be boring." Chuck Bass

Chuck Quote Gossip Girl


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