If God, Why Suffering?
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If God, Why Suffering?

God, The Author of Goodness

If God, Why Suffering?
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Being that it is holy week, I wanted to discuss a subject that might intrigue those who don’t necessarily celebrate or recognize Easter. One of the main contributors to the disbelief in God is the amount of suffering that we are exposed to in the world. Everyone has asked the question of “why?” even men from the Bible: David (from the book of Psalms) and Job have both asked why they must suffer. The world wants an answer to this problem of pain, and how a good, just, and all-loving God could allow it.

I need to give a little background first:

When You Have Love, You Want To Share It!

Before God created man, He existed in a perfect love relationship (Father, Son, Spirit). God made man with the desire to share His perfect love with us. In order for God to give us love, He had to also give us free will, because love is always a choice! No one can force you to love another, plus, how meaningless and purposeless would creating robots be?

Just as mothers know when they have children, there is a high possibility of their child taking the hard road, there is a possibility of heartache and their child walking away from them, but they also know there is a great possibility of joy, meaningfulness, and tremendous love. Yes, God knew we could and would walk away from Him, but God also knew some wouldn’t, and those who didn’t could have a relationship with Him, sharing in His overflowing love and having eternal life with Him. Because of His love for us, creating us was worth all the pain we would cause Him. Creating man was even worth the death of His son.

God’s Is Not The Author Of Evil

When God created man He was pleased, and saw His creation was “very good.” God only created goodness, and with our free will, man disobeyed God and sin entered the world. Well, why couldn’t God have just forgiven Adam and Eve and allowed them to stay in the garden? Why did he have to send Jesus?

If I were to break the rules my parents gave me when I lived in their house, I would have been booted out. I would still be loved by them, and they would welcome me back when I was willing to act right, but they would not condone or reward my rebellious behavior. Same with God, He is our Creator. Just as our parents demand and deserve respect for creating us, so does God. There will always be consequences for sin, but equally so, there will be reward for obeying Him.

So when hardship comes, we have Adam to curse for that, not God. Thankfully God didn’t just leave us to live life and spend eternity in hell. God sent the ultimate sacrifice, His son, as payment for all of our sins. How could God demonstrate His love for us more greatly than that? The death of Jesus offers hope to God's creation. When Jesus rose from the dead, the power of sin was defeated, offering those who believe eternal life and a relationship with our heavenly Father. God promises His people a life free from the curse of the fall, and freedom from eternal suffering and pain.

The Devil Can Make A Good Thing Bad, But God Turns The Bad Into Good

“For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life though Jesus Christ” (Romans 6:23).

Because of sin, not only do we have to die, but Jesus had to die. If God can take the worst thing that has ever happened in the history of the universe, and turn it into the best thing that has ever happened in the history of the universe, then can He not work all things for good in your life? Why is it fair for Jesus to die and suffer the most horrific death for sin He did not commit, and we as sinners expect a life free of pain? We continuously hurt and disobey God. There is no pain we will feel here on earth that remotely compares to the pain Jesus bore.

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

God promises us hardship but God also promises that He will work all things for our good.

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28)

The devil will make a bad thing appear good, and good things appear bad. He is the one instigating all of the turmoil we face on earth. Once again, God didn’t leave us stranded. God loves us and wants to protect us, being the reason He gave us His word. Jesus demonstrated how to live when He was here on earth, and in the Bible we are left with instructions on how to do life. If the world obeyed His commandments, there could not have been any world wars, holocaust, genocides, famine, 9/11, or ISIS. These things break God’s heart even more than it does ours. Yet, through a tragedy such as 9/11 we were able to become more united. We were able to step in as a community and as a nation to demonstrate love and generosity. Does this make the event worth it? No way, but God will use the evil that sin caused, and make something bittersweet come from it.

Understanding The Almighty Creator Of The Universe

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:9).

How could we possibly think that we could understand why the creator of the world does the things He does? That would be like you or I trying to tell a two-year-old why the sky is blue, they just wouldn’t be able to understand it. Their thoughts are not our thoughts, and they just do not hold near the mental capacity that we do as adults (well, in most cases). We may not know why God allows some things to happen, but He warned us that there will be suffering, and He promised us that one day we will know fully.

“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known” (1 Cor 13:12).

If we were all-knowing, then God would not be God. As humans, on average, we only use about 20% of our brain; I think we should have faith in the one who made 100% of it.

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