Being A Global Citizen Vs. Nation Citizen | The Odyssey Online
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Being A Global Citizen Vs. Nation Citizen

The argument of global citizenship.

Being A Global Citizen Vs. Nation Citizen

Globalization can be seen as a multi-faceted phenomenon which encompasses economic, social, political, technological, and cultural dimensions. Several researchers have provided differing definitions for globalization. One researcher, by the name of Albrow, refers to globalization as “all those processes by which the people of the world are incorporated into a single world society." As a process of integration, globalization affects every aspect of human life ranging from economic, cultural, and political to social. According to the writers in “Understanding Globalization and its Future: An Analysis," “globalization is not an out there phenomenon, it’s in here."

Being part of society, humans experience globalization daily. We see its effects on peoples' lives and on the society, its power of changing social as well as cultural structures, and its blessings. Many have embraced globalization as a good thing, often relaying its benefits. Peaceful relations, free trade, global connectivity, and unity in diversity are among the arguments towards the benefits of globalization. Globalization has become an indispensable factor in our lives, considering we have become so interconnected, causing us to influence and be influenced by different cultures around the world. So this poses the question: how can we be opposed to thinking of ourselves more as citizens of the world, rather than citizens of any one nation?

By way of illustration, let’s look at the United States of America. What does it mean to be American or to have a distinctive sense of "Americanness?" If one was to look at the history of America, it would be easy to identify the emphatic role foreign influence plays in the shaping of this nation, a nation founded by immigrants and infused with different cultures, ideologies, and traditions, a country in which a large number of its citizens have dual citizenship. Dual citizenship, also known as multiple citizenship or multiple nationality, is a person’s citizenship status as a citizen of more than one country.

There are many advantages to seeing ourselves primarily as citizens of the world, as opposed to national subjects. It is predicted that when individuals identify as citizens of the world, it gives them pro-social values of inter-group empathy, a value for diversity, social justice, environmental sustainability, inter-group helping, and a felt responsibility to act for the betterment of the world. Timothy Galpin, in his essay “Creating a Culture of Global Citizenship," provides the charity Oxfam’s definition of global citizen. He writes, “Global Citizenship is about understanding the need to tackle injustice and inequality, and having the desire and ability to work actively to do so. It is about valuing the Earth as precious and unique, and safeguarding the future for those coming after us."

The Global Citizen is characterized as someone who is aware of the wider world and has a sense of their own role as a world citizen. They respect and value diversity and have an understanding of how the world works economically, politically, socially, culturally, technologically, and environmentally. The global citizen is outraged by social injustice, participates in and contributes to the community at a range of levels from local to global, and is willing to act to make the world a more sustainable place and takes responsibility for their actions. Viewing oneself as a citizen of the world seemingly makes the world a better place, and who wouldn’t want that?

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