4. Check to see who's pictures he's been liking and commenting on. | The Odyssey Online
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15 Totally Creepy things Girls Do When They're Totally Obsessed With Their Crush

Honestly we could work for the FBI.

15 Totally Creepy things Girls Do When They're Totally Obsessed With Their Crush

Ladies, we've all been there a time or two, whether we were stalking guy we liked or stalking a guy for a friend. That's just what girls do, we low-key stalk guys. It's in our DNA — sugar, spice, and stalking. We are practically the FBI in training, so here are 15 creepy things all girls do when stalking a boy.

1. Make a fake profile and add him on all his social media.

You use a common name and a some random picture of a group of girls that you found on Tumblr for the profile picture.

2. Go through his following/followers and stalk their pages.

If they aren't private its fair game to see what he's commented on or liked, if they're private...well wait for the next point.

3. Have their friends follow the girls that are active on his profiles.

By active, I mean girls that are tagged in his pictures, girls that tag him in things, girls that comment on his posts, and girls that he's friends with.

4. Check to see who's pictures he's been liking and commenting on.

Instagram lets you see what your friends have liked, and you can go through peoples twitter likes.

5. Check his following/followers daily.

You have got to see if more girls have followed him or if he followed more girls.

6. Make fake Tinder profile to see if he's on there.

You can adjust the age and distance to help you find him faster.

7. Search his name on a people search website.

I'm not going to tell the name of the website I use, but they're out there and they work. They work so much that they tell you their address and any previous addresses they've lived at, family members, and any phone numbers that have been connected to them.

8. Drive by their house.

I mean you have their address so why not right? You get a friend and you do it either in the middle of the day or in the middle of the night, there's a less chance of being caught.

9. Call the numbers that the website said were connected to him.

Obviously use *67 and block your number.

10. Stalk his family members social media profiles.

You can learn a lot from what their family decides to share with the world, like I don't know, maybe that their church also does mass in Portuguese ;) and where their family members work.

11. Look up his house on Zillow.

Even if it's not for sale it'll come up, and you'll learn when it was last sold, for how much, how many rooms there are, if they have central air, heat and blah blah blah. But that might not give you 100 percent of the truth, it says my house is one floor when it's two plus a finished basement.

12. Check his Snapchat location.

Obviously on a fake Snapchat, and if he's at the club, girl you can show up looking hot.

13. Go to his job, or drive by it to see if he's there.

Depending on where he works you can go in. He works at the gym, boom get a membership. He has an office job, you can always drive by. Also, sidenote, you should know where he works because it's probably on his Facebook and Tinder.

14. Follow his friends on social media.

His friends will most likely post something like Instagram pictures or Snapchats of what they were doing.

15. Screenshot everything for the group chat.

Every girl has a group chat with a few close friends and of course you got them involved in your stalking, so you all have to discuss what you found out and what you think it means.

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