11 Things I Wish Guys Didn't See As Girls Wanting To Slide Into Their DMs | The Odyssey Online
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11 Things I Wish Guys Didn't See As Girls Wanting To Slide Into Their DMs

Sometimes we just want to be your friend.

11 Things I Wish Guys Didn't See As Girls Wanting To Slide Into Their DMs

This topic is entirely subject to a specific situation. Yes, women are complicated, we change our minds a lot. So I advise you to read this list with caution because a lot of these are situational and could go either way.

Here are 11 things we wished guys didn't take as a mixed signal:

1. Liking a picture on social media.

Sometimes we just think the picture is cool and want to give it a like. It doesn't mean you should "slide into my DMs"

2. Wanting to hangout.

This does not mean we are on a date.

3. Hugging.

This is what friends do, try not to overthink it.

4. Asking for their number.

Again, this doesn't mean we are hitting on you.

5. Wanting to study.

Yes, this is a good way to get to know each other and break the ice, but sometimes it really is just to have a study partner. So, try to figure out their intentions before jumping to conclusions.

6. The wink emoji.

I admit it's a little suggestive. But also don't freak out if you are sent a winking emoji. It's just an emoji!

7. Instantly responding to a text.

It is just nice to do this. I know for me, either I respond right away or it takes me a week to text someone back. Friend or someone I am interested in. There is no in between.

8. Opening up to him about your feelings.

This doesn't always mean you've interested him as anything more than a friend.

9. Asking for dating advice.

This is normally a big hint that we are interested in someone else. At least in my experience.

10. Texting late at night.

Maybe it's just a good conversation and she considers you a close friend. The deep conversations usually happen late at night.

11. Giving him a present.

She might just find something that reminds her of you, try not to misinterpret something that she isn't intending. If there are any doubts though, it is always nice to have an honest conversation about your feelings.

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