Everyone has heard of the infamous Friday by Rebecca Black. But do you know the man behind it all? The man who made "Friday" is named Patrice Wilson. He has been producing catchy tunes since the song "Friday". The videos he produces raise eyebrows. He seems to be fulfilling the dreams of these young children but what happens to them after the videos.These kids are definitely getting exposer but also ridicule. I'll be giving you a brief idea of some of these glorious videos that you may or may have not seen from him. I ranked them from the most acceptable to the least acceptable according to their content. All these and many more can be found on Youtube.
10. Butterflies By Alana Lee Hamilton.
Let's begin with #10 on the list. It is the top because overall the song and singer both are not that bad. Its similar to every early 2000's middle music video. The girl likes the popular boy but there is another girl that likes the same boy. The song itself is pretty catchy. Alana Lee sings well and can carry a tune. Also compared to the other is has the most likes to dislikes. The only reason why it is so bad is because like in most of Patrice Wilson's videos he made a cameo. He appears out of nowhere on the dry erase encouraging Alana to tell the boy that she likes him. It also doesn't have the greatest graphics of butterflies flying around Alana. But overall this video is bearable. You might even love the whole middle school love story . Here's a link to the video:
9. My Team- Drew Jacobs
This my #9 choice because I watched the whole thing without having to pause it. My Team is just another middle school song. Basically he likes the girl next door and the viewer doesn't know what is their relationship. He is happy whenever they are together. The song is very catchy. I catch myself singing it to my roommate whenever she helps me with anything. The ratio of likes to dislikes compared to the others was higher. Beware you might sing this whenever you feel someone is on your team. Here's a link to the video:
8.Take it Easy by Sarah Maugaotega
Oh, Sarah. That's the only thing I can say at the moment. It's another case of Patrice Wilson doing the typical middle school love song. ANOTHER song of will they won't they. "Take it Easy" is catchy. Patrice Wilson knows how to make a catchy chorus but the content isn't anything we haven't seen already. Patrice is trying to tap into the young love feeling and he does it in "Take it easy". This video isn't the greatest because of the acting. I couldn't stop looking at Sarah's love interest and his many interesting faces. He distracted me from the song most of the time. But in the end Sarah Maugatogea sings with confidence and looks like she is having a good time with her friends. Here is a link to the video:
7. Hooked On You by Devin Fox
My #7 pick is by a young man this time. I honestly can't take Devin Fox somedays. This song has some ridiculous lines that you can't over look."Your lips so soft so soft.It shines, it shines like the stars from above" . The video effects are a bit irritating after 1 min. For sometime I thought Devin was calling her a puppy girl but he was calling her Barbie girl. Both are a bit weird to call a girl. Patrice sticks to the theme of young love. Its just the same idea with different children each time professing their love for another middle schooler. Patrice Wilson seems the have the formula down. Here is a link to the video:
6 Ordinary Pop star -CJ Fam
When I first saw this video I got very confused because I actually though CJ Fam was a celebrity . I thought maybe I missed something, that said she was famous. I was mistaken because I couldn't find anything about her. Then I got annoyed by the song because the whole song she keeps saying how she wants to be like everyone else . CJ Fam is like every girl except she payed Patrice Wilson to make her video. I did like that they put in the TMZ part and show the struggles that she has but they are just unnecessary Maybe in a couple of years she will be ready to be a popstar and take off. I ranked this video #6 because its a 10 year old complaining about problems that she doesn't have. Check out CJ Fam's Song about just wanting to be just an ordinary pop star :
5. ThanksGiving - Nicole Westbrook
I'm so sorry, Nicole. All the other kids Patrice produces get to sing about Love or being a fake celebrity but not you. I honestly can't understand how they got you to sing this song. How did he sell this one to you? You don't really see a lot of songs about Thanksgiving but this will be a classic because there aren't that many. Hopefully this is Nicole's favorite holiday because I can't see why you would sing about it. The whole video is very strange because Nicole doesn't seem to have parents. She is preparing a Thanksgiving feast for her friends and Patrice. The scariest thing is Patrice Wilson making another cameo in a turkey suit. Also its so cheesy that she is singing into a drumstick. Come on Patrice. Check out his turkey suit :
4.Get In My Car - Grace Liu
"Hey, there's a China Girl." This is literally a line that they say 30 seconds into the next music video. I'm speechless at this point. She is singing the scales so its very catchy because most of us are very familiar with the scales.Though the regular do re mi has a catchy beat, we all can sing along. They are using the idea of a car flying through the sky and the car looks semi like the car in the movie; Chitty Chitty Bang, Bang. They are also repeating chitty chitty bang bang. There is another attempt from Patrice Wilson, adding his rapping. I guess he is trying to be like some famous directors who make cameos in their productions. It seems Mr. Wilson is using these videos to advance his rapping career. He is also dressed as an inmate at one point in the video. Everything in the video is very cheesy from the lyrics to the green screen. Check out this video:
3.Beautiful - Patrice Wilson
I wonder what Patrice Wilson thinks about sometimes because this video is all kinds of weird. He is a very confident man and I'll give him that. He is sitting with two women that are pregnant. Everything about this video is wrong. I haven't given birth or anything but Im positive that you are suppose to have clothes on when someone is giving birth. Patrice Wilson was also the doctor. I don't even understand the colorful liquids coming from her uterus and then him standing there acting like he is taking it like a champ; while women dance in the liquid. It might have some deep meaning but I can't think what that could possibly be. I love the end shot of him holding the babies like he is some sort of god or like the lion king. Here is the weirdest birthing video:
2. Skip Rope - Tweenchronic
Wow. Its like Patrice hit a weird low. The children are singing about skipping rope, but the video shows kids purchasing drinks that come in large cans that are placed in small brown bags to insinuate that they are drinking 40's as well as the boys selling various candies that seem to represent drug dealers. I feel as though Patrice Wilson thinks he is invincible. The themes he is having the children do are very adult. He is exploiting these children. ALSO WHAT WAS WITH THE GIRL PUTTING PIXIE STICKS ON HER FACE?? I don't understand what the video has to do with the idea of skip rope. All the while Patrice is in the video and begins to rap. He just wants us all to know that he was apart of the whole thing. Its very confusing to have this 30 something year old men surrounded by young girls. Is he a menace... so check out this hot mess :
1. Chinese Food -Alison Gold
You might wonder what would be the # 1 of Mr. Wilson's video productions. Again this is only my opinion but Chinese Food by Alison Gold was chosen because she is a bit iconic. When the video was realized it was literally everywhere. This video is just a hot mess. Alison Gold tries to act older then she is. While singing the menu at the local Chinese restaurant, Alison Gold describes dishes she likes. Of course she gets a fortune cookie, which tells her she will be getting a new friend. She is followed by a creepy panda; can you guess who's inside the panda suit. This is definitely a Patrice Wilson Video. Mr. Wilson is surrounded by young girls apparently at a sleep over. Check out this video if you love Chinese food:
Mr. Wilson has continued to make more videos. You can always look at his youtube. Its Patomuzic. He has expanded his clients to not just little girls. You decide if he is a musical genius or a menace. Be warned you will get sucked into looking at many of his productions. What will your top 10 videos be? Ask yourself is he a menace or a genius?