Embrace everything about your sign - the good, the bad, and the ugly! | The Odyssey Online
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8 Ways To Celebrate #GeminiSzn

Where my Gemini babies at?

8 Ways To Celebrate #GeminiSzn

It's the end of spring in the Northern Hemisphere and the end of Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere, the time of twins and adaptability. That's right, it's Gemini season. Bring your lower and higher selves together and check out these ways to celebrate the Sun being in its Gemini transit.

1. Get in touch with your inner astrologer

Whether you're new to astrology or have been tracking your chart for years, it never hurts to brush up on how the universe is working with (or against) you. Download the Co-Star app for iOS or the Horos app for Android to get your chart and some helpful insights as to how the universe affects you.

2. Embrace your natural duality

While sometimes overwhelming, it really is a blessing that we can code-switch so quickly. It makes us easily adaptable to whatever life throws our way. With our ruling planet, Mercury, being in our favor this month it should be all the more fulfilling to be able to put yourself into various roles this month. Just remember to take time to decompress and fulfill your inner needs!

3. Treat yo self!

It's your birthday month! Take time to do what really brings you joy - whether it's something material like those jeans you've been eyeing or something more spiritual like taking time to meditate each day. This is your prime time, so celebrate every moment!

Take the time to reconnect

With yourself or with others, take time this month to get back in tune with your loved ones. Life can get overwhelming when our ruling planets and stars aren't in our court, so use this time of renewal to grab a cup of coffee with an old friend, have a date night with your significant other, or rest and relax with yourself.

Find a new way to stretch your outgoing personality

Geminis are notoriously outgoing, so use that to your advantage! Sign up for a class, head to a local festival, or find another way to get out there and make new connections!

Get your gang together

Geminis sometimes get a bad reputation for being flaky, but sometimes life just gets in the way! Make some time this season to get your friends together to reconnect and have some fun together!

5. Use your horoscopes to your advantage

With apps like Co-Star and Horos, it's easy to see your daily horoscopes and find great detail on them. Some quick google searches will also give you a lot of insight into what to expect today, this week, this month, and even over the next year.

Embrace everything about your sign - the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Geminis get weird reputations. We get labeled as two-faced because of our ease in code-switching, we get called emotional and childish, and we don't mesh well with a lot of other signs. Keep in mind that not only is astrology not an exact science but that each one of us is beautiful and unique. So this month, embrace your inner Gemini and be proud to celebrate #GeminiSzn!!

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