Well, another season of the Emmy award-wining HBO series "Game of Thrones" has come and gone. After waiting over a year for Season 5, fans certainly weren’t disappointed. Countless episodes of fearing their favorite character was going to be killed in front of them and crying into bowls of popcorn, season 5 of the series came to a dramatic and certainly unexpected conclusion. Now, however, the waiting game has begun again, with the shows fans going through some familiar symptoms.
1. You spend hours at lunch debating your own and other fan theories with your friends

2. You start re-watching the series from the very first episode just so you can have episodes to watch (even though you can pretty much quote the lines word for word)

3. You spend time when you’re supposed to working on school assignments searching any and everywhere for information about the upcoming season.

4. You’re dying for your friends who actually spend their time productively to catch up so you can talk with them about what happened. (And so you don’t have to speak in code to your other friends who are caught up when they’re around)
5. When one of your friends complain about something you automatically think this....
6. When "Walking Dead" fans talk about their walkers you automatically think of the white walkers instead

7. When you’re scared of going to weddings

8. You buy Game of Thrones memorabilia, desperate to have a little piece of that world

9. Your automatic and over the top reaction whenever the opening song is played, anywhere

10. You just miss it and want winter to finally get here!

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