20 Questions After Watching 'Game Of Thrones' Season 8, Episode 2
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20 Questions Every 'Game Of Thrones' Enthusiast Has After Watching Season 8, Episode 2

We all have so many questions.

20 Questions Every 'Game Of Thrones' Enthusiast Has After Watching Season 8, Episode 2

Honestly, and I think most people would agree, the new season of "Game of Thrones" has been pretty underwhelming. Season 8 Episode 1 was mostly exposition, explaining why Dany was in Winterfell, what she planned to do, and revealing to Jon his true identity.

The second episode, while lacking in action, had more surprising character development. But, because of this, it's left me with SO MANY QUESTIONS.

What does Podrick's song mean?

First of all, who knew Pod could sing!? But also, why that song? There was something haunting and mysterious about it, but did it have a deeper meaning? Also, where did he learn that song? I was constantly waiting for the other characters to join in singing like it was a common folk song.

Where is Melisandre?

I feel like now would be a great time for her to appear. I mean, come on, Winterfell needs as much help as it can get. And we know the Lord of Light incredible power.

How old is Arya? And Gendry?

Look, I'm all for Arya discovering her sexuality and "blossoming" into a woman or whatever, but something about this scene was just cringy. Gendry looks like he's in his twenties while Arya looks maybe 16. I guess I would be more open to this if I knew how old they really were.

Should we hate Dany? 

She's hostile toward Sansa. She killed Sam's family. She claims she loves Jon, but when she finds out he is the true heir to the throne, she seems to care less about the fact that they are RELATED and that they had sex, but instead that her claim to the throne may be undermined. I want to love Dany. I really do. But, this episode made me hate her.

Similarly, will Jon continue to follow Dany?

Now that he knows he is the true heir to the Iron Throne, will he continue to bend the knee?

Is Jon the "prince who was promised"?

Melisandre talks constantly about "the prince who was promised." She originally thought it was Stannis, but now?

Is Cersei really pregnant? 

If she is, whose baby is it? Jamie's? Is she going to let Euron think it's his? Also, shouldn't there be repercussions for a Queen getting pregnant when she has no king?

What the heck does the Night King want?

OK, this sounds like a stupid question, of course, he wants to kill all the living, but why?? Bran hints at his reasoning, but it is still relatively unclear.

Does Brianne love Jamie?

Personally, I ship the HECK out of this. I think they would make a beautiful couple. But, honestly, it's hard to tell how Brianne really feels about him. Especially with Tormund coming on super strong.

Sansa and Theon?

Honestly, I'm not sure what the question is here, but like... will they, are they, can they? I know that Theon is missing some... uh... important parts, but they seem to share something that goes beyond a friendly relationship. Plus, Sansa's been with crappy men all her life. She deserves a nice one (of course, this is excluding Tyrion, who was kind to her).

Who is going to kill Cersei?

It's pretty clear that the prophecy Cersei received when she was a child is coming true. She married a king, lost all of her children, but now who is going to kill her? The prophesy states she will be killed by her younger brother. Though her and Jamie are twins, she is technically older. So will it be Jamie or Tyrion?

Where are they getting all the Dragon Glass?

Honestly, this may just be a detail that I missed, but the whole time they are making weapons, I can't help but wonder where they got all the Dragon Glass from.

OK, did Tormund really kill a giant? And drink giant's milk?

If it's true, then the armies in the North need to start taking advantage of that and go milk a giant.

Are Jon, Sam, and Dolorous the only members of the Night's Watch left alive? 

If so, this is not looking good for the living.

What is up with Arya's new weapon?

I noticed the parallel in Arya's weapon and the staff she fought with when she was serving the God of Many Faces, but I wondered what was so special about it. Why does she want it instead of a sword?

How the heck did Theon get to Winterfell that quickly?

How did he get there so quickly, and how did he avoid trouble with the White Walkers?

Is the Night King really stupid enough to fall into Bran's trap?

Bran seems to think that he is able to lure the Night King to Godswood, but is the Night King really stupid enough to fall for the trap? It is obvious that he is intelligent in some way as he organizes attacks and communicates with Jon through gesture, but would he really believe Bran is just giving himself up?

Is the end of Game of Thrones the end of the living? 

At times, I'm not sure there will be any survivors. Bran seems to think there may not be an "afterwords."

What will happen to the North?

The North was originally going to be a free state, not ruled by royalty in King's Landing, but Dany seems to have other plans. When Sansa asks about the fate of the North, she does not respond.

Will Jamie really fight against his sister?

For a while, I believed that Jamie had some type of moral conscience, but then he went back to Cersei, trying to defend his house. Now he says he will fight with Winterfell because it is no longer about the throne, but a battle for the living. I find it a bit hard to believe that if the time came, Jamie would be able to fight his sister.

And I know I'm not the only one. Not that all of these questions should be answered yet, but some answers would be nice.

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