The Future of Journalism
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The Future of Journalism

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The Future of Journalism

The future of journalism is wildly unpredictable. Part of the reason it is unpredictable is because stories are constantly breaking and the definition of “newsworthy” is always evolving. For a story to be newsworthy, in the past, it would be something unique and attention grabbing, or would be a world event, or something that concerned the greater community. With the multitude of news outlets and platforms in the world today, there are many gatekeepers who decide what is newsworthy. The world of print news is rapidly declining, and bloggers have taken to the internet to have their voices heard. This means journalism is also becoming less regulated. Anyone can create a blog or comment on an online thread. The future of journalism can be defined by the characteristics of the future industry, the characteristics of a future successful journalist, and the characteristics of a future successful organization.

The biggest change in the future characteristics of journalism is the way that people consume news. Journalism has been challenged by the digital revolution and the way people consume news and information. The new era of journalism has to keep up with the “now” factor and provide news immediately. Ten years ago, it would have been unimaginable that CNN would have a Snapchat Discover account, but they are constantly evolving and leading the world of journalism. More and more people are relying on their smartphones as a medium through which they receive their news. Most news organizations have apps that send direct alerts with breaking news or things that may be of interest. The Skimm, a daily online newsletter that simplifies news stories and adds humor, delivers a newsletter directly to your email account at 6:00 AM every morning. In addition to the newsletter, they have recently launched an app that syncs alerts and events into your calendar. This makes it easier for people to consume news.

The future of journalism will also focus on audience engagement and connectivity. Broadcasting is about sharing information and making the general public aware of events. Connecting is not the same as broadcasting. To connect with your audience is to engage them and to ignite change. By adding online platforms you are not only connecting with your audience, but you are connecting members of your audience to each other. They are able to interact on social sites and share opinions, stories, and beliefs.

A successful journalist of the future may vary from the traditional role of a journalist. Journalists have become increasingly assertive, omnipresent, and opinionated. They are more than willing to throw themselves personally into the story being covered. This is different than the reporting style of the last century. Journalists are reporting from the front lines and this helps them to not only be a primary source for news, but also to connect with the people in the stories they are covering. They also have to adapt to the new and changing technology. People like to receive news updates on Twitter, which means successful journalists should have Twitter accounts and live tweet. When a new app or platform is popular, they may have to adjust and learn how to report from the new outlet. A successful journalist of the future still has to produce quality content.

A successful news organization of the future looks a lot like a successful journalist. They need to be adaptable and constantly up to date on the newest platforms and technology. They also need to be interactive and have an element of connectivity for their audiences. The innovative organization CNN has made it possible for audience members to send snap chats to their reporters. This has even been called “citizen reporting.” People will flock towards networks that engage them and connect with them. When an audience is engaged, they are invested and even feel like they are a part of the organization. A successful organization also creates quality content. With the face-paced nature of journalism, quality is often overlooked. Successful organizations will take the time to create accurate stories and online networks will make sure they edit content before publishing it.

The future of journalism is exciting and engaging. It is all about the audience and creating quality content. Smart phones are a major advancement in the world of journalism. You can now receive news instantly at your fingertips and that means content needs to be created constantly. News organizations and journalist must be up to date with the newest technology in order to successfully connect with their audiences. I am excited to see what the future brings for this ever-changing field.

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