Freshman Year Spring Break | The Odyssey Online
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Freshman Year Spring Break

As told by Jennifer Lawrence.

Freshman Year Spring Break

Brace yourselves, college students, because spring break is right around the corner. Only a few more days and we'll be replacing these lecture halls for some place that's sunny and 75 degrees (hopefully). High school spring break was aways fun... but there is something about being in college that makes SB special, especially for freshman college students. Maybe it's the new found freedom that comes with the college years. Maybe it's the challenge of planning a week jam-packed with fun with virtually no money. No matter what it is, it's an interesting trip. Definitely one for the books.


[Googles "get abs in seven days."]

But after a little research, you realize you actually have to give up pizza for that?!?!

Packing takes you about three times longer than it should because every five minutes you're like...


After hours in the car, you and your friends finally arrive at the condo.

Squeezing 20 girls into a condo described as "comfortably sleeping eight" sounded like a good idea when you paid for it... but now the realization of 20 girls and four beds for a week sets in. However, you stay optimistic.

Finally, you hit the beach and it's all like:

Well, that's what you think. But in reality, it's more like

Then your Victoria's-Secret-Angel-looking friend is all, "Take a pic next to me in our bikinis!"

Later that night, some friends invite you over to their house for a party. After showering, doing your hair, and even putting on some makeup you walk in all like...

... only to soon realize...

Chatting with people and party games can only go on for so long before something like this happens.

By 3 A.M. you're like...

And that's pretty much the first day and the day after that and the day after that. First half of the week, you're all pumped and like....

... because I mean, it's spring break, man.


So you've been sharing a queen-sized bed with five other girls and surviving off of frozen meals for days now.

But you've still got some of that spring break spirit left in ya.

It's the last night and you're feeling sappy about the 19 other girls you've been stuck in that condo with. You're probably sitting in a circle rehashing the last week and all of a sudden it's like:

But it's the last night and you're not just going to sit around so...


All in all, it was a great week. You grew closer to some friends and you made some unforgettable memories. You might have permanently twisted spine from sleeping in abnormal positions and you might be walking away with a bank account hitting a grand total of $0. You also learned a thing or two about yourself, like:

Only 365 more days until next spring break!

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