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15 Memories I Made My Freshman Year At Arizona State

With only a few weeks left of my freshman year of college, I thought this would be the perfect time to share all of my favorite moments from this year, starting from the very beginning until now!

15 Memories I Made My Freshman Year At Arizona State
Molly Hudson

From the most hectic move-in day to the final moments of preparing for spring semester finals, freshman year has come with ups and downs, but all of these moments are what I will remember the most.

1. Move-In.

Photo by Molly Hudson

One of the most nerve-racking and exciting days of my life. I moved into the dorms with the best roommate in the world, we decked our room out in our light purple and light gray theme, and matching bedding, yeah, we are those roommates. The memories made in room 1434 will last a lifetime. I could sit here and tell you everything that I will miss about rooming with Alyssa, but I would probably start to cry. But Alyssa if you are reading this, thank you for being the best roommate and friend that I could ask for. This was the best way to start off the year!

2. First college football game.

Photo by Molly Hudson

Filling the stands with gold, we tried to shove ourselves into the stands of the first football game of the 2018 season. Pictures were a must! I spent the night cheering on ASU with some of my best friends!

3. Sorority Recruitment.

Photo by Molly Hudson

This was something I knew I had wanted to do since my older sister was in college, but I did not expect how exhausted I would be! The outcome was so worth the early mornings and long days! Wouldn't have been able to do it without my girlies by my side.

4. Bid Day.

Photo by Molly Hudson

This was one of the most exciting days of the year! Thousands of girls found their home away from home! This was the day where I found out that I would be "sisters" with my actual sister and one of my best friends since kindergarten.

5. ASU Family Weekend.

Photo by Molly Hudson

My crazy family! Although I am not too far from home, my goofy family still came to visit. They got to go to a football game with us, see the Theta house, and spend the weekend with me and my twin sister, Abby. Miss these people, can't wait to be home for the summer.

6. Anderson Cooper luncheon.

Photo by Molly Hudson

This was a day that all students at the Walter Cronkite School, "fought" to go to, in order to be chosen as one of the students to attend the award luncheon that was awarding Anderson Cooper with the annual Cronkite award, we had to attend as many extra credit sessions as we could, the students with the most would get to attend. This was such a humbling and rewarding day.

7. BIG - LITTLE Reveal.

Photo by Molly Hudson

This day was so fun, I found my little family in Theta, I have the most amazing and supportive BIG and the sweetest twin in the world. My G-BIG and my GG-BIG are the cutest and I am so sad that they are graduating this year.

8. Visiting my best friend in the whole world.

Photo by Molly Hudson

To celebrate our year and a half anniversary, I flew out to visit my boyfriend in Ohio where he goes to school, Sam and I had the best weekend and got to see each other for the first time after a few months of being apart. We went all around Cleveland and took lots of selfies, LOL!

9. Winter Break San Diego trip.

Photo by Molly Hudson

I couldn't stay away from my roomie longer than a week after classes got out for winter break, so we drove to San Diego for a few days, went to the beach and drove around and looked at Christmas lights!

10. ASU basketball games.

Photo by Molly Hudson

This particular basketball game was neon out, at almost every game they hand out some sort of "souvenir," whether it be a t-shirt, a bucket hat, a sign, or something along those lines for the student section. This game just happened to be neon tanks and free Wetzel's Pretzels, one thing I learned in college is that you learn to love and take anything that is given out for free. I have way too many shirts now but hey now I have "options."

11. Devilpalooza.

Photo by Molly Hudson

Arizona State University puts on a huge event each year in the spring semester where they bring in some artist to play a huge concert at the Intramural Fields on the Tempe campus. This year was Galantis, it was a fun event, "rave" style, I guess you could say and it was fun to just be out there with every student at ASU and take a break from studying and classes.

12. Sorority "Crush."

Photo by Molly Hudson

Every year my sorority has a valentine's formal in a sense called "Crush," where you bring a date, similar to homecoming in a way, this year I brought one of my friends because, my crush and the love of my life, attends a different school that's across the country. However, I still got to show him off on the cute decorated hearts that we made for out dates.

13. Internship Interview Day.

Photo by Molly Hudson

This was a big day, and one of the most "grown-up" things I experienced this year, I participated in the Walter Cronkite School internship interview day, where they brought in a bunch of broadcast companies in the Phoenix area that were looking for interns in either the summer or the fall. After interviewing with three companies and ranking them in the order that I wanted them, I waited, what felt like the longest two weeks ever, and in the end, I managed to land two internships one for the fall and one for this summer.

14. Theta Dodgeball.

Photo by Molly Hudson

This was my first year participating in my sororities philanthropy for CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocates), it was a huge event that was super fun and we ended up raising over $23,000 for the organization. It was really cool to see everyone get so pumped up about the event and raise so much money for an amazing cause.

15. Cronkite Cut.

Photo by Molly Hudson

Cronkite Cut has been one of my greatest joys throughout this spring semester, I decided at the beginning of the semester to audition for this Cronkite entertainment news show for an on-air position as well as interview for the Assistant Producer position that was open. Not expecting to get either position, I was shocked to hear that I was chosen as the Assistant Producer, I had so much fun working with all of the talent that this group has within it, including all of the on-air journalists, the Senior Producers and the Executive Producer. Season Nine was a huge success and I can't wait for next semester and season 10.

Freshman year of college was filled with many firsts that I will cherish for the rest of my life, the friends I have made, the things I have learned and the growing up that has happened in this one year of college is more than I could have ever imagined. Thank you to everyone who made this year one to remember! Bring it on YEAR TWO!

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