If you are anything like me, you have a lot of plans. I have known for quite some time now everything that I want for my life. I will work in the city living in a high-rise apartment with my dog, spend some time traveling and exploring, then move into a lake house with navy blue siding and porch swings. I know exactly what I want, and I intend to achieve every last one of my goals.
But if you are like me, you also have moments when you question if you are capable of doing anything that you have set out to accomplish. Maybe it came from the adult you looked up to who told you, “that will be hard to do,” as if you didn’t already know. Or worse, maybe some days you lie in bed and feel a wave of panic as you ask yourself what you are thinking, and what if all your dreams and goals shatter into a million pieces.
Don't worry, honey, I've been there.
It is scary to have your whole life in front of you—you can’t help but question whether or not everything is going to work out. What if I end up disappointed?
But what if it turns out awesome?
There will be some days that will be incredibly difficult, and you may question if you even made the right decision. Maybe you will wish you had chosen a more practical path.
But what is practical? Is it a safe job sitting behind a desk all day? Because that sounds like just about the most impractical thing I could think of.
To me, being happy sounds pretty practical. Working hard sounds practical. The rest will come on its own.
Our achievements are a result of the effort we put in, and we can't jump to conclusions. We have to trust that the path we are pursuing will lead us to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves.
This is a video I watch whenever I am doubting my capabilities, and it always makes me feel better. Jim Carrey, an iconic comedian, shares his experiences with love and fear, and how life has happened for him.
Life is pretty intimidating. There is nothing scarier than feeling like failure is inevitable, and we are just waiting for it to strike. But if we persist, success is inevitable. The most successful people in the world were no smarter than you, and they never gave up.
These fears are illusions. Fear is nothing but self-doubt that is trying to keep you from doing the things that you want most. Be fearless. Break the obstacles that fear builds for you, and there is no stopping you.
As Jim Carrey says, “You will only ever have two choices: love or fear. Choose love, and don’t ever let fear turn you against your playful heart.”