For My Soul Sisters
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For My Soul Sisters

A 'thank you' to the girls who support me through the good times and the bad.

For My Soul Sisters

Over the last several months, I have been experiencing what my thirteen-year-old brother likes to call, "feeling all the feels". I have felt splinters of stress, daggers of anger, tsunamis of sadness, mounds of confusion, heaps of hatred, and most of all- absolute exhaustion. And that's in addition to my actual college classes. This past semester was exhausting for a plethora of reasons and if you really are interested in the things that went down then feel free to give me a call. But let's just say my heart broke in ways I never knew it could - and not in the romantic way, my boyfriend is the best - but from situations, people, and events that were not in my control. And like any normal human being that hates watching all the control drain from their life, I cried until I felt the pain of betrayal, loss, and change lessen within my heart.

As I begin this new semester, I am optimistic that I will focus more on the things that are in my control. I'm going to be productive whenever I can and get ahead in my school work. I'm going to take care of myself by going to the gym, taking as many naps as I want, and listening to more music. But most of all, I'm going to spend time with those who have truly shown me that they are here for the long run. Those who have supported me and each other through a very difficult couple of months. Those who I consider to be some of my favorite people on this planet; this one's for you.

For my light-blue dog lover:

You are an unpredictable firecracker with a side of chicken noodle soup, a beautiful, glistening, beach wave that hugs my feet and makes my toes tingle, and a blooming hydrangea who always thinks of others before herself. Thank you for your obnoxious laugh. Thank you for asking questions. Thank you for always complimenting my outfit. Thank you for your hugs (the first and the second). Thank you for offering to make the phone call. Thank you for confirming the visiting hours. Thank you for driving us to see her. Thank you for holding me when I cried as we left. Thank you for your suggestions on how to decorate my room. Thank you for your daily entertainment. Thank you for believing everything I say even when I try and trick you. Thank you for putting up with my sass. Thank you for checking up on me. Thank you for remembering little details. Thank you for making the plans. Thank you for always being yourself. Thank you for being silly and inappropriate sometimes (most of the time). Thank you for baking for us. Thank you for offering your home. Thank you for your crazy stories. Thank you for always fiercely defending me and everyone else you love. Thank you for everything.

For my dancing singing soul listener:

You are a silent explosion of sparkles by the moonlight, an extremely intelligent time lapse of wit, and a reliable lucky penny that glides across the rainbow so effortlessly, I try not to blink so I don't miss it. Thank you for always being there. Thank you for listening. Thank you for letting me confide in you. Thank you for our nightly routine where you sit on my ottoman. Thank you for MJ. Thank you for getting me to appreciate Justin Bieber (and for dancing with me to his music video on my birthday). Thank you for putting me back together during my finals week meltdown. Thank you for always sticking up for me. Thank you for making our schedules exactly the same. Thank you for pretending to forget to do the American Studies bulletin board with me. Thank you for laughing at my jokes. Thank you for supporting my rants. Thank you for working so hard at everything you do- it makes me work hard too. Thank you for your amazing Snapchats. Thank you for always finding a way to walk to and from buildings with me. Thank you for letting me go through and like your entire Instagram account. Thank you for ensuring your mom would accept my Facebook friend request. Thank you for your fantastical dancing and random singing. Thank you for everything.

For my perfect-haired sunset watcher:

You are the most genuine dream catcher that shines without help from the sun, a golden compass that always points me in the right direction, and a true treasure chest of loyal sapphires and honest rubies that came to me before I reached the bottom of the ocean. Thank you for your kind heart. Thank you for letting me curl your perfect hair that one time. Thank you for driving me to our pre-practicum last semester (and this semester). Thank you for your contagious laugh. Thank you for crying every single time you produce your contagious laugh. Thank you for allowing your entire family be Facebook friends with me (they actually like and comment on my stuff whoop whoop). Thank you for stepping up when no one else does. Thank you for bearing with me as we stood outside of our comfort zone. Thank you for not hating me when I pushed you way outside your comfort zone (multiple times). Thank you for always doing the right thing. Thank you for your attempts at getting me to like country music. Thank you for the sunsets on your porch (and future ones to come). Thank you for taking the time to think before making hard decisions. Thank you for wearing converse sneakers (because now I own converse sneakers). Thank you for pulling your weight in group projects. Thank you for letting me borrow your brown boots because they matched my pink pants (that's right Dora, those boots did not belong to Boots). Thank you for letting me be weird. Thank you for your Oreo balls. Thank you for everything.

I declare us soul sisters now and forever; thank you for loving and supporting me through difficult times and I am excited to see what the future holds for us my darlings.

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