4. Make some time for yourself. | The Odyssey Online
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5 Fixes For The Worst Day Of Your Life

Sit back and relax, I've got the solutions you need to handle life's curveballs.


Contrary to what our Instagram feeds make us believe, we all experience bad days, downfalls, and obstacles of different sorts. If you're feeling down, read these five solutions to remind yourself how great you are and bounce back.

Before you give up faster than my dad attempting to teach me algebra, try these five tips to make your worst day into a better one. There's no such thing as a lost cause- especially when it comes to yourself.

1. Take a break from social media.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Take a break from social media- especially Instagram. Instagram isn't evil, but it also wasn't created to make you feel better about yourself. It's likely that scrolling through pictures of beautiful, happy people will not affect your mind in a positive way when you're feeling down. Trust me, a detox from Instagram (even only for a little while) will help you clear your mind and focus on the good things happening in your own life. Read my previous article for more on how this affected me positively and can help you as well.

2. Self-help books are exactly what they sound like- they are there to help you.

This isn't the time to smile and pretend you're fine, it's okay to admit that you need a little help sometimes. When I don't feel like talking, I always find it helpful to read books with uplifting and motivational messages. I've just started reading Jen Sincero's bestseller, You Are a Badass, and definitely recommend it if you're in need of a pick-me-up. There are numerous self-help books which will aid you in clearing your mind and reminding you how great you are.

3. Quit moping and take yourself to the gym.

It can be tempting to lay in bed all day crying and watching movies- trust me, I know. I don't recommend digging yourself into a deeper hole than you're already in, though. Even though this may be the last thing you feel like doing, the best fix is a great workout. There's nothing better than listening to your favorite playlist and sweating out any anger or stress you're feeling. Exercise has been proven to be beneficial for the mind- often resulting in higher confidence, feelings of accomplishment, and greater mental strength. This is one of my favorite solutions to cope with a rough day or week.

4. Make some time for yourself.

There's nothing wrong with canceling plans to take care of yourself. Whether it be a bubble bath, a manicure, or your favorite hobby- it's important to do things that make you happy. Life can be hectic, so don't be afraid to give yourself a break from reality and escape to your favorite lunch spot. Every now and then, take time to clear your schedule and detox your mind from the stress of life.

5. Surround yourself with positive people who care.

I find that surrounding myself with people who genuinely care about me and exert positivity brings me a sense of peace. If you're having a rough day, don't be afraid to let your friends and family know. Nothing compares to the feelings of calling an old friend or family member and being reminded of everyone who cares about you. It's easy to isolate yourself and forget this, but when you gather the courage to let others know you need some extra love- I can guarantee your day will do a 180.

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