Five Hilarious "All That" Sketches You Never Heard Of | The Odyssey Online
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Five Hilarious "All That" Sketches You Never Heard Of

There's way more to All That than Good Burger.

Five Hilarious "All That" Sketches You Never Heard Of

I hold the '90s Nickelodeon show "All That" near and dear to my television loving heart.

All That was a ground-breaking show. It was a Saturday Night Live for kids that brought together all of the comedic stars of tomorrow in order to deliver a hilarious and innovative show. The show was the big break of so many of my favorite kid actors that made my adolescence so awesome (Kenan Thompson, Kel Mitchell, Amanda Bynes).

Every 90s baby knows about some sketches from All That like Good Burger and Vital Information. So, to celebrate the All That reunion special happening in April on TeenNick's 90s nightly programming block The Splat, here are some of my favorite lesser-known sketches from All That's 10 year history.

1. Repairman

Kel Mitchell played so great characters on All That, but Repairman is one of my personal favorites. He stole every single scene that he was in. And, I still say his memorable catch-phrase to this day: "I'm Repairman-man-man-man-man!" Don't we all need a little bit of a fake echo in our lives?

2. Know Your Stars

This skit came in All That's later years, once the show was relaunched with a new cast during Season 7 in (2002). Though the OGs may have left the show, that doesn't mean that the show didn't still thrive. Know Your Stars is one of the newer All That's high points for sure. It was great to see my faves on All That arguing with that all too familiar all-knowing ominous voice.

3. Have a Nice Day with Leroy and Fuzz

Every time I come across this sketch I just die laughing. Fuzz is always getting the short end of the stick no matter how optimistic he is. I think this is a skit that usually slips an All That fan's mind, but it's a video that everyone should see.

4. The Loud Librarian

"QUIET! THIS IS A LIBRARY!" There's something so awkwardly funny about a loud librarian. Lori Beth Denburg is such a great comedian it makes me sad that she hasn't had too much work since All That. But, make sure to check it out...and keep quiet!!!

5. Sugar and Coffee

This was a great sketch premise. What kid hasn't felt a massive sugar rush? This sketch was full of energy and always kept me giggling as a child, and still makes me laugh to this day.

I hope y'all enjoyed this little list of All That sketches. Their comedy is legendary, and I just wish that it was easier to keep track and watch it all. But, I hope you're all super excited for this All That reunion and ready to see some of these classic skits come back to life.

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