5 Amazing Netflix Series You Need To Binge Watch This Weekend
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5 Amazing Netflix Series You Need To Binge Watch This Weekend

My favorite Netflix originals

5 Amazing Netflix Series You Need To Binge Watch This Weekend

Netflix has done a fabulous job of bringing us not only all of the network television shows we love to binge watch, but original content as well. Netflix has a long list of well made original series, and here are some of my favorites that I think you should watch.

1. "Jessica Jones"

"Jessica Jones" is Netflix's new Marvel series, and it absolutely kills. Krysten Ritter is beyond phenomenal as Jessica. She does a beautiful job of bringing this strong female lead to life. Playing opposite Ritter is David Tennant, and boy does he deliver. I've loved Tennant since he stepped on screen as the tenth doctor, but this may be my favorite role of his to date. The show does an amazing job of bringing the serious topic of emotional abuse and manipulation to the forefront, which isn't something a lot of programs do well or at all. Plus, the cinematography in this show is to die for. Fans of the series have already binged, and are waiting with bated breath for another season.

2. "House of Cards"

"House of Cards" follows Kevin Spacey as the power-hungry congressman Frank Underwood. With his wife Claire, played by Robin Wright, by his side, he'll stop at nothing to be President. This show is beautifully shot, and was the first Netflix series that I watched. Kevin Spacey unsurprisingly delivers a flawless performance. He brings such a charm to Underwood, that you find yourself rooting for him even though you know that he is a horrible human. The saying "behind every great man there is a great woman" rings especially true in this show. Frank would be nowhere without Claire, and Wright brings such an air of class and cunning to her character. With the new season coming out in March, there's never been a better time to catch up.


"Narcos" is a drama about the Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar and the war on drugs in the late seventies and early eighties. It follows two DEA agents named Steve Murphy (Boyd Holbrook) and Javier Pena (Pedro Pascal), who are based on real DEA agents who worked the Pablo Escobar case. Escobar is played by Brazilian actor Wagner Moura. Moura gives a flawless performance that can give you chills. This show has such wonderful intensity and is beautifully made. It brings to light such a dark, crazy and interesting part of history. Being almost entirely in Spanish (with subtitles, don't worry), it can also be a fun way to practice for those pesky Spanish classes. At least, that's what you can tell yourself when you're binging instead of studying.

4."Making a Murderer"

If you haven't gotten around to watching this Netflix true crime documentary series yet, you are seriously missing out. "Making a Murderer" has to be of the most interesting shows I've watched in years. Not only because of the story itself, but also because of the way it is cut together and formatted. This show uses all real footage and interviews to tell the story of Steven Avery. Avery was wrongly accused and imprisoned for a sexual assault crime. He was later released when new evidence came to light, only to be charged with a murder a couple of years later. This show has so many twists and turns, you have to keep reminding yourself that it's all real. You also get so invested in what's going to happen to Steve Avery that you can't help but watch the next episode.

5."Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt"

This Netflix comedy is a complete gem. Ellie Kemper plays Kimmy Schmidt, a girl who was kidnapped as a preteen and made to live in an underground doomsday cult. When she and other women are rescued, Kimmy chooses to move past the dark time in her life and make the most of her fresh start. She moves to New York and faces it head on. Kemper does a great job of portraying Kimmy as a strong character, while also having vulnerability as well. I think this is great, because as wonderful and important as it is to have strong female characters in TV, we also need to know that there are many different ways for a character to show strength. Though some of the jokes can be a little problematic at times, Tina Fey's writing makes this show absolutely hilarious as usual.

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