I've been writing a lot about music videos recently for a cultural studies class. It's been cool to write about music, but I've mostly had to focus on how music videos do bad things. So, after a while of thinking about how music videos can make us look at Robin Thicke or watch Gary Glitter sing to children, I thought it would be nice to remind myself about some music videos that are actually awesome. So, without further ado, here is my list of five awesome music videos.
5. Sober, Childish Gambino
Childish Gambino - Sober from Hiro Murai on Vimeo.
You have to give a shout out to Telegraph Ave, but this music video is crazy. It's like the perfect combination of weird and nerdy and spooky. Childish is a strange man, and his music video does not disappoint. I think this video captures the spirit of the song incredibly well; it's smooth and catchy enough to grab your attention, but it’s also really kinda deep and insane.
4. Power, Kanye West
I will defend this music video until the end of time. Never has anything more quintessentially Kanye West been created. You want proof of the biggest ego on the planet? Boom. You want the most infectious beat in the world? Why not? You want the whole song? Nah, Kanye's only gonna give you half. You want the whole thing to somehow turn out to be beautiful? You know it.
3. Grown Up, Danny Brown
I have no idea where they got this kid from, but he is the boss. Seriously, this must have been the best video to make ever. Can you imagine the directions they gave him? Yeah so, walk right at the camera, pretend to rap, throw stuff at everyone and mouth-gesture swear words. The song is perfect, the concept is clever and they somehow found the coolest kid that ever existed. Danny Brown, keep it up.
2. Take On Me, a-ha
This music video is somehow corny, iconic and beautiful all at the same time. The drawings are really impressive, the song is beyond catchy and the little plot is actually pretty good. I stand by my belief that this should be the new National Anthem of America, and I stand by my belief that this video is spectacular.
1. Weapon of Choice, Fatboy Slim
So, did you know that Christopher Walken was a crazy talented, trained Broadway dancer? Cause I didn't when I first saw this video. You can imagine my surprise when the guy from the third-best Pulp Fiction scene danced his way around the hotel like it was nothing. Everything about this video is perfect. Spike Jonze is a mad genius, Fatboy Slim can make a great song and Christopher Walken can fly. What more could you possibly ask for?