Merriam-Webster defines faith three ways: an allegiance to duty or a person, belief and trust in and loyalty to God, and a firm belief in something for which there is no proof. If you ask me, all of those could fit into one definition, but I digress. Faith is a tough commodity to keep. Sometimes, life doesn't go the way we planned. Life throws us major curve balls, and we have to learn how to hit or how to lay off that wild pitch. Sometimes we can't and we swing and we miss. And life strikes us out. But when we strike out, we can't make our way back to the dugout, cursing and mumbling and chucking bats and helmets. We can't ask "Why?" regardless of how bad we want to. We have to learn to keep the faith. Over the last year in my life and the lives of those close to me, I know there have been many whys uttered under our breaths or screamed out towards the Heavens. And with fair cause. I know that life gets hard, and for some of us, it can get unbearable. But we have to keep the faith. Repetitive, I know, but it is so important to know that He is with us, even when it doesn't feel like it. I find myself questioning my faith more often than I should. It's difficult in the world we live in nowadays not to. I try my best to make sure it stays intact. And faith doesn't always have to mean your loyalty to God. Faith also means your belief in those you surround yourself with. You might find yourself questioning your people who are supposed to be there for you through thick and thin. You might find your relationship tough to manage and full of doubts.