Well finals are coming up quickly, and I know that everyone, myself included, is REALLY struggling. College is hard and finals are so draining, so what better way then to explain how we're all feeling with some Office gifs!
When your professors decide to make all your final exams on the same day.
How do I study for that many exams??? I don't think you understand that I have four other classes, please please have mercy.
When you finally do decide to study and realize that you don't know a single term on the study guide.
When did I ever learn any of this, ever???
When you decide to study with a group and realize you're all just as confused.
4 people means 4 brains which
When the professor has explained the same thing three times and you still don't get it.
Having to go to a professor's office hours to have something explained multiple times and not getting it is always the best. I understand that it makes sense to you but I am still so confused, please stop using the technical terms and just tell me how to do this PLEASE.
When someone asks if you're doing okay with studying.
The bags under my eyes are getting bigger, I haven't eaten since yesterday, and I don't remember when I last showered. But yeah I'm fine.
That look you give your friend right before starting the test.
Come on we studied all night, we can do this right?
But then you look at the test and realize you know absolutely nothing.
Don't you just love it when you spend
When you've finally finished all your finals and get to go home for winter break.
So long school, see you next month.
Happy studying everyone!!!