Summer’s just around the corner and it’s that time of year again. The first day of the semester and new classes seems just like yesterday, and now it’s finals week. Let’s be honest, we’re never ready for it. The library is suddenly the most crowded place on campus, there’s never enough caffeine, and suddenly all your exams, papers, and projects are due on the same day.
I know this is another cliche article about finals week and Grey’s Anatomy. Right now, I have nothing else to write about other than the fact that my motivation level is lower than that of the Dead Sea. But that’s not that interesting, so I decided to write about finals as told by my favorite people, the Grey’s Anatomy cast. We could all use a little entertainment at this stressful time of year, right?
When you realize you should’ve started studying a month ago.
You think you all the time in the world and then reality smacks you in the face.
When you’ve been cramming in the library for 12 hours.
When your friend sees you crying of stress in the lib.
You just want to sleep and for it to all be over.
When you are so tired and delusional after studying for 12 hours straight.
Eating anything and everything you see because you’re so hungry and stressed.
You get to the exam and forget everything you crammed for 12 hours to remember.
When your professor tries to say one more thing while you hand in your final papers, exams and textbooks and you’re just like.
When you’re all done with your exams and papers
Congrats! You made it. Now it’s summer and it’s time to celebrate.
Good luck!