Summer and graduation are almost less than a month away. Finding motivation at this point is like finding your favorite shirt in a never-ending pile of clothing: useless and disappointing.
I'm totally kidding, but it is the point in the semester when we would rather do ANYTHING than work on final projects, write papers, study for exams or work on documentary responses your teacher assigned at the beginning of the semester.
College is funny sometimes. You go through these phases where you want to conquer the world. You find yourself reading ahead in your textbooks and starting assignments early just so they can be done. But the motivation never seems to last as long as it should. At least for me it doesn't. I would rather shop online, nap or go out with my friends for the night. But the days of living a carefree life are almost over. Especially when finals week rolls around and you realize that you should've been working hard the entire semester because there is no chance you are going to get the grades you want.
Another problem we may face is our best friends are about to graduate and seeing them on a daily basis won't be a thing after these last few weeks. So you are spending as much time with them as you can, they're always free, so you should be too.
Our friends who are about to graduate are just enjoying the perks of being a senior. Which means barely any class and no final projects or exams. But one thing they do have is a job, or a spot in their favored graduate program. Envy is a strong feeling towards them at the moment.
But you can't let that stop you.
I'm here today to tell you — you can bring this motivation back and you should. The weather is getting warmer and you can just smell summer, it is so close.
Enjoy the weather, but bring your books or anything homework that you can do outside.
Front-porch sit with your roommates. Put some music on, grab an ice cold drink and knock out those last-minute assignments your teachers assigned you.
It is important for you to stay on top of your work because these are the weeks that are most critical to your final grades, when you could bring a C to a B, or even get your grade up to an A.
If you can't find your motivation, search for it. Create goals and allow yourself to take the steps to achieve them. You'll be surprised how much these last few weeks mean in college for your final grades. But you can't rely on them to turn all of your grades around.
You are going to get a 4.0 this semester — you just have to believe in yourself. It's all on you now.