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5 World Cup Teams To Help You Decide Who To Follow

With the U.S. out of the World Cup, here are some teams that you can follow to get your World Cup fix.

5 World Cup Teams To Help You Decide Who To Follow

After the United States' disappointing loss to Trinidad and Tobago, many American's have found themselves at a loss for a team to support in this year's World Cup. But with over 32 nations sending teams this year, there is no shortage in teams for fans to support throughout the cup. From the five-time champion Brazilians to the hometown heroes in Russia, here are some favorites for you to support for the remainder of the World Cup.

1. Brazil

Brazil's 2018 World Cup Team

Credit: Seleção Brasileira de Futebol Instagram

A historically winning team, Brazil holds the most World Cup titles with five.

If you thought that number was impressive, their roster is even more impressive. Brazil has a star-studded roster with players like Gabriel Jesus, Philipe Coutinho, Neymar, Fernandinho, Danilo, and Ederson. Although they had to settle with a tie in their game with Switzerland, the combination of the amazing fan base, more than capable roster, and rich history could propel this team to number six.

2. England

England's 2018 World Cup Team

Credit: England's Instagram

A classic favorite, this year's team will be trying to create a new image of English soccer. England is currently in a 52 year title drought. But, with this young and promising team led by captain Harry Kane, the drought could soon be over.

Aside from striker Harry Kane, England has plenty of scorers in Dele Ali, Marcus Rashford, Raheem Sterling, and Ruben Loftus-Cheek.

Not only does this team have world-class player, but they are led by a World Cup tested coach. Gareth Southgate was a midfielder/defender the 1998 World Cup team that made it out of the group stage into the knockout stage. His experience on the world's biggest stage will give his players a sense of security in their ability to move move past the knockout stage.

England was tested in their first game of the cup facing a talented Tunisian team. The two teams held in a deadlock until added time when Harry Kane put a header in the goal to give England the lead and the win.

3. Germany

Germany's 2018 World Cup Team

Credit: DFB Instagram

The reigning World Cup Champions are coming back to defend their title, adding number five to the trophy shelf. With only minor changes being made to the roster, the team is full of experience and those who are new to the team have the ability to rely on the older players to help guide them through the cup.

With Julian Draxler and Manuel Neuer providing a strong attack and sound goalkeeping, the team is more than capable of bouncing back from their stunning loss to Mexico.

4. Iceland

Iceland's 2018 World Cup Team


The underdogs of this year's World Cup, Iceland has already begun to make noise. This year the team will be led by captain Aron Gunnarsson. Gunnarsson has made 77 appearances for this national team and in 2016 led them in the UEFA Euro Cup where they lost in the quarterfinals.

The energy from this underdog team doesn't just come from the players and their manager, but from the incredible fan base. If you choose to root for Iceland you will also have to learn their chant that has captivated all. Dubbed the 'Icelandic Thunderclap' this tribute to their viking ancestors is not only intimidating to opponents, but electrifying for the Iceland players. The clap is led by a single drum calling the tempo of the crowd gaining not only sound but speed as well.

Not only does this team give all they can on the field, but their fans are also willing to leave it all in the stands for their team.

5. Russia

Russia's 2018 World Cup Team


As the hometown heroes, Russia has already made big waves in their group. Their first game against Saudi Arabia showed the teams strong attacking mindset as they beat the Saudis 5-0. Led by veteran goalkeeper and captain, Igor Akinfeev, his presence will provide a much needed leadership role and experience for the younger players on this Russian team.

Along with Akinfeev, rising star midfielder Aleksandr Golovin will provide Russia with the creativity and youth in this cup. Not only does this team have a great mix of new and old, this team has also shown the strides it has made in recent years to give Russians a team they so desperately needed.

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