People keep saying romance, and romance music is dead. Well to those people I say: HA! Romance is definitely not dead, and I have the lyrics to prove it. After doing what English majors do best, critically analyzing things that don’t need to be critically analyzed, I have decided that Fetty Wap is the great romantic of our decade, and that his lyrical love poems will last for centuries to come. Come on a journey with me, as we dive deep into the romance that is: Fetty Wap.
Trap Queen:
“Trap Queen” is a love story between a young man, one can assume is Fetty Wap, and a young woman. Throughout this story the man, Fetty Wap, and the woman, his ‘Trap Queen’, enter into a business venture together, and end up falling deeply and passionately in love. Let's take a second to look at the language of this song, and what it suggests. Fetty Wap describes this woman as his Trap ‘Queen”, not his Trap ‘Girl’, or his Trap ‘Princess’, but his Queen. In the hierarchical monarch society the Queen is the highest level of respect a woman can aspire to. In this way is Fetty Wap actually an 18th/19th-century romantic? Fetty Wap also describes the activities he does with his ‘baby’, yet another term of endearment, which includes, but are not limited to, “get[ting] high with my baby”, “get[ting] fly with my baby”, and “cook[ing] pies with my baby”. This list encompasses a very wide range of activities, showing that they like to do lots of activities together, and really to enjoy each others company. Fetty Wap also states that he may “buy [his] boo a ‘Lamb (also known as a Lamborghini, a very expensive Italian car, usually associated with great wealth)”. Showering your loved one with expensive gifts like this is not something unusual for a King to do for his Queen.
679 is a simple, yet romantic, love ballad in which Fetty Wap tries to woo his lover. Fetty Wap starts this song by listing off things about his ‘Baby Girl’ that he likes. He compares her to a “fine wine”, showing that she is expensive, and one of a kind in his eyes. He then moves on, and tries to prove to her that he is worthy of her love. He states that if she’s “talking bands, girl, [he] got it” and then moves on to explain that he has “Benjamins all in [his] pockets (referring to Ben franklin, the man on the $100 bill)”. He does this to show the woman he is trying to woo that he can not only provide for her, but shower her with expensive gifts as well. Fetty Wap also describes how he has a “Glock in [his] ‘rari”, both flaunting his wealth, the Ferrari, and the fact that he has the means to protect her, the Glock. Fetty Wap continues on in this song, once again noting the woman's extreme beauty, and wondering how he will ever make her his.
Again is a song about redemption. The beginning of this songs starts in some sort of turmoil. Fetty Wap starts the song by saying “I want you to be mine again baby” signifying that he has lost his ‘baby’, and plans to once again win her back. He then moves on to tell her that he goes out of his way to not only “please her”, but to “see her” as well. This song is all about Fetty Wap reassuring the woman he loves, or his Trap Queen, as earlier stated, that even though his “lifestyle is driving [her] crazy” he is there for her and will always want her. He states that he “is tryna finish this who [he] started with” suggesting that even with the increased amount of wealth and fortune he has accumulated, he still only wants to share it with his Trap Queen. The listener of this song can assume that Fetty Wap has done something to diminish or completely ruin this woman’s trust in him, but realizing his mistakes, is atoning for them now. Fetty Wap, being the ultimate romantic, even states that he is ready “get up on [his knees too]”, meaning he is ready to propose to this woman, if she will take him back.
While these songs seem just funny and catchy, there is some sort of oddly romantic love story to them. Fetty Wap is not the romantic we expected, but maybe he’s the romantic we need. It’s true, his music is not always the most poetic, or prophetic, yet he speaks volumes when talking about the ones he loves. Maybe we all just need to get off our high horses, pour one out for Fetty Wap and his unrequited love, and find ourselves a Trap Queen.