Proud To Be A "Fat" Athlete | The Odyssey Online
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Proud To Be A "Fat" Athlete

Fat and fit is a thing. Deal with it.

Proud To Be A "Fat" Athlete
Lost at E Minor

Can you be “fat” and fit? The answer is yes. You do not have to be a single digit size to be fit. You can be fit at any size.

Personally, I have played sports almost my entire life, until my career ended my senior year of high school. But people will look at me and go "She's an athlete?" Excuse me, not only am I an athlete, I was a hell of a good one, thank you. I don't look like a typical soccer player. I don't have long lean legs or abs. I am a size 16 and a PROUD size 16. But I know there are others who have felt similarity judged.

People don't believe you can do it until they see it.

I have had many people underestimate me. You know that saying, don't judge a book by its cover? Yeah, people don't follow that. My senior year of my soccer season, I had a man come up to me and say that at first he thought I was not able to be a keeper, but I proved him wrong. So you go out there and prove them wrong.

We get overlooked so easily.

People take one look at us and think we're "unhealthy". Yes, obesity is a very serious problem in America, but that doesn't mean someone who isn't "skinny" looking isn't healthy. We can be and will achieve it because we are determined.

We struggle with confidence but once we break through, there's no dragging us down.

Everyone struggles with self-confidence, I know that. Sometimes it's harder to be confident when you "don't fit in" with the people you are around. We're looked down upon and people don't believe in us. That's hard, but we grow and grow and our confidence beams off our faces.

I have had many ups and downs with my body image, but who doesn't in today's society? All I am saying is that if you are healthy and a size 2, you rock. If you are healthy and a size 22, you rock too. Us women need to come together as a whole and promote a healthy lifestyle and not set goals on pant sizes. Your goal should be to have a healthy lifestyle and be comfortable with your body.

Peace & Love Homies. Stay fit and be proud!

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