It's quite a terrible thing, folks. The annually-dreaded time has once again come upon us where we all must say our own goodbyes to the summertime. And yet, with all the bummers that come along with starting a new school year, we can't help but be happy for all the good times that have come our way. As the ever-wise Dr. Seuss once said, "Don't cry because its over, smile because it happened." Let us all reflect on the glorious beauty that is summertime with a smile in our hearts as real and burning as the fading sunburn across our backs. And, just as all good stories end with an awesome anthem to send the hero off, here is your obligatory alternative/ hipster-esk playlist to make your farewell-to-summer a glorious one.
Points and promises: First, many of these songs have been around for a bit, but i guarantee you'll find a new-to-you one that you love. Secondly, they are in order of what I'm slightly obsessed with the song I am most obsessed with. And although they are ordered in such a way, every single one is freaking awesome- so give each a listen!
16. Frightened Rabbit - Get Out
Warning: This song is one that may linger in your head for a while. Not that that's the worst thing- its a freaking fantastic song. Just had to warn you- my longest bit with it was like 3 days.
15. Wintersleep - Weighty Ghost
I don't know what it is about this song that catches me so much, but I love it! Good beat. One that makes you want to smoothly wave your arms in the air back and forth regardless of your current location.
14. Broods - Bridges
Bringing a smooth techno twist to our playlist, Broods is definitely a band you need to become familiar with. Also, words of wisdom- this is a prime song to listen to at night on your drive home.
13. We Were Promised Jetpacks- Peaks and Troughs
Right when you think you get the beat to this song, it switches it up a bit while still keeping true to that chill flow. That with the fact that this is just about the greatest band name I've seen in all my days makes this one a must listen.
12. New Madrid - Don't Hold Me Now
New Madrid plays a unique and fun sound that mixes the style of Sting and Vampire Weekend. Interesting combo, but you'll hear it, and you'll love it when you give this one a listen.
11. Glint - While you Sleep
Sick music video, chill beat. This throws me back to summer concerts I'd go to back when I lived in Seattle. I imagine chillin to this one live on a picnic blanket with my dad and twin sister lathered in sunscreen, feasting on our Indian food.
10. My Friend - Paper Lions
The chorus to this song is my most favorite thing. If this doesn't make you extremely nostalgic toward a well spent summertime, I don't know what will.
9. Little Green Cars - Harper Lee
This song is so YES. Oh my heck. A good, chill one to whip out your coveted dance moves to for sure. Little Green Cars is definitely a great group to look up- all their music has this unique, fun vibe about it.
8. Birdy + Rhodes - Let it all Go
The beginning of this one is chill, then the chorus hits. Oh man. Makes this song so dang tasty. Rhodes and Van den Bogaerde's vocals are a heaven blessed combo. A great listen for sure.
7. Delta Spirits - Yamaha
This song, featured on the awesome movie "Warm Bodies" is one I find myself leaving on repeat for a good bit as well. It's also one that I slip into real life conversations without even thinking... in reply to others at times I suppose I deem appropriate: "I hope you know I caaaaaaarrrrreeeee!"
6. AWOLNATION - Kill Your Heroes
I don't understand why the song Kill Your Heroes by AWOLNATION isn't known by more people and played by more radio stations. Its so fun!! But maybe that slot for AWOLNATION will forever (and rightfully so) be held by their song that everyone knows and loves- Sail. Either way, this is a fantastic group.
5. Seafret - Oceans
Ever had a song that makes you super nostalgic out of nowhere? Without having any backing with it? This is Oceans by Seafret for sure. Ah. Such soft, sweet vibes from this one. A new favorite for sure.
4. Oh Wonder- Techincolour Beat
Oh glory. The feels in this one!! This song is definitely one you literally can't refrain from head-bobbin to the sick beat. So smooth. So good!
3. X Ambassadors - Unsteady
Okay, okay. This beaut (released in 2015) has become huge this year- so much so that I'd be surprised if you hadn't heard it before. BUT. I couldn't help but include it on this list. Is it just me, or is there something about it makes you want to play it on repeat 2943027 times back to back?... Okay, called it. It's not just me.
2. Bishop Briggs - The Way I Do
Get ready for this girl to sing with all her SOUL. If you haven't yet heard of Bishop Briggs, it had now become a life-requirement for you to look this goddess up. Shes got a ton of talent, is starting to become big, and will become huge on the indie side of the industry very soon.
1. Joel Adams - Please Don't Go
Without hesitation, I guarantee that at least 87% of the views on this music video are from me. I feel no shame in admitting it- every single time I jump on YouTube, I HAVE TO listen to this one first before anything else. Mainly because... that humming at the opening and close? Ah. It's just too delicious.