Your family summer vacation has finally arrived, and you can't wait for a free beach trip to get away from the stress of your one online class. Weekly deadlines are hard. Particularly when the sun is shining and your friends are at the pool. It's been a while since you've had quality family time, so you're excited to have some quality FFF (Forced Family Fun). Here's how your family vacation actually went, as told by the Kardashians.
You overpack immensely in the hopes that you will spend your whole week with cute outfits that channel your beach vibes...
But you actually spend your week with unkempt hair and minimal outfit effort.
Your mother is over the moon about having the entire family together.
For this reason, she cries a little too much at the most basic of things.
You immediately resume right where you left off, with your siblings requesting all information on each others current relationship statuses.
You are always prepared to do some research to make sure their love interest lives up to your standards.
But when the relationship conversation turns to you, one phrase sums up your situation.
You hit the beach on the first day and you are feeling like a beach goddess.
Unfortunately, beach days never live up to your expectations.
Something always seems to go wrong.
Which ultimately sets you up to be annoyed all week.
Which your sibling of course loves and uses against you.
Leading to many conversations that end in:
Your loving brother or sister will surely bring up grades to your parents, leading to a lecture from your mother about grades.
Which inevitably leads to discussions about your future.
Because honestly,
Your dad will try to lighten up the conversation with an extremely inappropriate topic.
Which leads to a lot of:
Although there is a lot of bickering and and probably some yelling, you're family, and you wouldn't trade a thing for these people you're stuck with.