Fall Into Fall
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Fall Into Fall

Tis the season to be fall-y.

Fall Into Fall

I am just going to say this now, because by the end of reading this, you will realize it anyways. Fall is by far my favorite season. I have to admit that winter is a close second because I just love the snow, I ski, and who doesn’t love Christmas? However, fall takes the cake. Why? Well, I will tell you my top reasons for fall being the perfect season of them all. I also must recommend that everything I list here, you should make one of your own personal traditions starting…now.

Pumpkins, pumpkins, pumpkins

I do every possible tradition you could think of when it comes to pumpkins. First, you have to decorate for Harvest with them. In order to decorate with them, you have to pick them! Then, you have to carve them a few weeks later. After carving them, you can then reach the seeds, which you should put in the oven to create toasted pumpkin seeds. They are nothing like the store bought ones, but a million times better. Lightly salt them in a baking pan and then place them in the oven until they are toasty-brown.


Toasting pumpkin seeds is only your very first step of baking in the fall season. You still have to make chocolate chip banana bread, and I recommend using a really ripe banana this way your ingredients are mushy, but fluffy. Then, you need to make pumpkin bread. And I know you aren’t going to forget about the sugar cookies with ghosts and pumpkins pictured on the front of them. Those are a signature, come on. I also have to recommend pumpkin pie and apple pie, or apple crisp which is best with cinnamon and brown sugar on top.

Halloween Movie Marathon

For the kid in you, you HAVE to have a marathon of all the Disney Halloween movies such as "Halloweentown," "Halloweentown II: Kalabar’s Revenge," "Halloweentown High," and yes, even "Return to Halloweentown," despite them changing Marnie’s actress to Sara Paxton. Then, watch the scary ones. If you are a wimp like I am, watch with a friend or family member, or with a blanket and a pillow; whichever works for you. You know the Mike Myer’s Halloween movies are also a must-see. Then, watch one that really freaks you out, like the Strangers or a really good pop-out movie.


I do not know if it is normal to decorate for Harvest, but I don’t. Why? Because I have to skip right to Halloween decorations. October 1st comes around and I am already begging my dad to go to the attic and take down the boxes down. You have to do the inside and the outside, or it just isn’t consistent. You want to be able to it enjoy it yourself, and have your passing neighbors appreciate it as well.

  • Leaves

This may be completely lame, but every fall season, not only do I take millions of pictures of the leaves because they are absolutely gorgeous, but I also am constantly looking for the brightest ones. Then of course, when your dad is raking the leaves while you are home on break, or whoever rakes your lawn, you have obligated to jump in the pile. Yes, you will annoy whoever just raked the leaves, but it is worth it. Maybe to avoid getting in trouble, you could rake them? It could happen.


I do not care how old you are, but I still dress up for Halloween, I still go home one day of the weekend on Halloween night, and I still go out collecting candy, and then give it out as well. Why? First, I get free candy. Second, I get to see the absolute joy on little kids faces when they believe I am a real princess. Also, go all out on your costume. Don’t go at it half-fast, but go to the Spirit Halloween store. This is my personal favorite, and they aren’t wicked expensive. They actually are giving out coupons currently. Just saying.

Haunted House and Corn Mazes

Again, I do not care if you are a wimp or scaredy-cat. You have to experience a Corn Maze. It is the most terrifying and fantastic event of Halloween. There is nothing like physically walking through a maze and being terrified by people in masks and costumes jumping out at you with weapons. My most vivid memory was when a guy in a Jason mask chased me around with a running chainsaw. Yes, IT WAS ON. It was a sharpened and real chainsaw. But it was awesome and now I have a cool story to tell. So suck it up and do it!


You get to eat everything. So eat everything. Do not fill up your plate once, but at least twice before Thanksgiving is over. Grab a section of everything on the counter, even if you do not know what it is. Do not wear jeans and look cute, at least that’s not what I do. I wear a dress so my belly can be as big as it wants to be. Dessert is essential, but that doesn’t mean you have to “leave room for it.” The space will come along by time dessert is ready and out on the table ready to be served.

Fall TV Shows

Fall means the start of all of our favorite TV shows. I know that Fall is also the time of midterms and your workload is probably through the roof, but it is okay to splurge. WATCH THEM! After a long day at school or work, there is nothing better than coming home to your comfy couch and watching the show you’ve been looking forward to all day, all week, all season. For me personally, I have a show for every night of the week. This may seem a little over the top, but here it goes. Monday and Tuesday’s are for Dancing with the Stars and the Voice. Wednesday’s are for Designated Survivor and This is Us (new shows). Then Thursday’s we have Survivor and Grey’s Anatomy. This doesn’t even include Chicago Fire, Chicago Med and Chicago P.D. Now, you do not have to have one for every day of the week like I do, but have one night where you must plant your butt on the couch and watch.


You have to have a day where you watch nothing but football, eat chips and buffalo dip, and lounge on the couch doing nothing. It doesn’t even matter if your favorite team is playing. I mean it does matter, especially if it is the New York Giants, but enjoy all of the teams. Pick one or the other who is currently on and root wholeheartedly for that team. It’s fun. You can go on and hate them again later.

Now, these are just a few traditions that I do every fall. Yes, I do all of these every fall season. Some of these you could even combine if you find there are not enough days to get this done. For instance, you could bake and decorate while playing your Halloween movie marathon in the background. I personally can’t take my eyes off the screen, or my spoon out of the mixing bowl, but it is always an option. However, the point is to enjoy all of these things and fully immerse yourself in them. So please, fall into fall.

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