Fall Downfalls
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Fall Downfalls

Yes, even Fall isn't perfect

Fall Downfalls
Bob Vila

Okay, so I have already made it clear that Fall is my favorite season of the year, but I have to recognize that this may not be true for others. I am calling it Downfalls- because there are “down’s” to fall (I thought that was pretty clever on my part). Anyways, as a true lover of Fall, it has been hard to discover them. However, I have managed to find a few. But do not worry, I will also mention ways to fix these “downfalls” so the season is not ruined for you. As if that could really happen, though. This is a little hard for me to say, but here we go.

  • Dry skin

Whether you are male or female, we all know this struggle. Perhaps, girls care more about this than guys do, but it still occurs. Even after you shower, you come out feeling like your face has never known water. Then, it gets so bad that your skin starts to crack and dead skin begins to shed. The best thing you can do is loofa, and then add lotion repeatedly throughout the week. However, do not put the lotion on your lips by accident because if you happen to lick your lips, it tastes gross. Get a jump on it now, because as it gets colder out, it gets more severe.

  • Wet hair

I do not know if you all will feel my pain with this one, but I always shower in the morning to start off my day fresh. I also never dry my hair because usually I do not have time, it smells nice, and it is better for your hair to let it dry naturally. However, now that it is cold out, even if I am dressed perfect for the outside weather, I become freezing cold because of my wet hair. Then, since I am stubborn, I refuse to shower at night, rather than in the morning and I get a cold from going outside with wet hair. Yes, that is not really just an “old wives tale” that your grandparents or parents made up to protect you when you were a kid. It can help cause you to get a cold. So, this is avoidable as well.

  • Midterms

This one is pretty self-explanatory. When fall comes, so do finals. Or “midterms” I should say, but they feel like finals. Midterms this year have come earlier than usual, at least for me. I do not know if teachers just want us to get over them, but they are still miraculously all at the same time. WHY? How does this even happen? It’s like they are all on an assembly line and they just keep coming one after the other, etc. And correct me if I am wrong, but items on an assembly line aren’t supposed to catch up to each other and overlap. YET THEY DO. It’s fine, I’m okay. The only good part about them is that once they are done, we have Thanksgiving.

  • Pants

My best friend Abby and I both hate pants. I hate them because they are uncomfortable and they are tight on my belly. They also always get dirty, whether it be from food or petting random dogs that show up on campus (that one is worth it though). However, once again there is a plus side to this. You don’t have to shave your legs! How wonderful is that. Honestly shaving your legs takes forever, and with midterms here, I do not have time for it. Pants are able to mask your hairy legs without being socially judged for it. I guess I will have to teach with the tight feeling around my stomach to make up for the hour I got back in not shaving my legs.

  • Socks

I used to hate socks just as much as I hate pants. However, I have to admit that they are growing on me. They still make your feet super sweaty, they bunch up in your boots and cause discomfort, and lastly, they smell. Someone had to say it. Sometimes socks suck. Just the other day it was 47 degrees and I went outside in Friars sandals. I am not proud of it, as people were staring at my feet all day (thank god my toe nail were painted) but it felt good, so I didn’t care. Worth it.

  • Fickle weather

Okay, is it nice out or is it freezing cold? DECIDE. There is nothing more irritating than looking at your weather app in the morning and seeing it say 50 degrees, and then by your third class, you have taken half of your closet off of your body. My advice though is to layer. For instance, if you wear a tank top, then a flannel over it, and a sweater, then you can always take the top two off. However, if you wear just a bra and a heavy sweater over it, you are screwed.

  • Cavities

You wouldn’t really think that cavities are a “fall” issue. However, Halloween you guys. It’s not like you can say no to that extra piece of candy on Halloween. That is just wrong. However, what is even more wrong (if that makes sense) is that then you go for your annual cleaning at the dentist – which is bad enough – and then you find out that you have a cavity. Was that extra Reese’s peanut butter cup worth it now?

  • Bloody Noses

Is it just me or do you wake up in the morning, blow your stuffy nose and then find blood in the tissue? Talk about 'tis the season for Halloween. That is a little too much gore for me to handle that early in the day. I am not sure how to fix this or even why it happens, but it happens to everyone so maybe just don’t blow your nose as hard or as often. That’s all I got for you on that one.

  • The Flu

Again, pretty self explanatory. My only advice is to get the flu shot. Yes, it may not be the best thing for your body, but you won’t vomit your guts out for a week. Do it. Warning: it contains egg protein so if you have an allergy, ask for the one without it from a specialist doctor.

  • Fall Cleanup

Raking leaves. This can be something that is so much fun and so horrible at the same time. For the first few minutes, you admire the beautiful color and try to find the biggest one, but then you’re like “okay, dad my arms are tired and they should be used for typing up my 6 page midterm paper due tomorrow.” Okay I didn’t actually say that, but I would and I will once there is a big enough pile of leaves in my yard. Just find a pal, like your dog and try to enjoy it.

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