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21 Fun Facts About Spanish Speaking Countries

Happy National Hispanic Heritage Month!

Dancers celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month

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September 15th to October 15th is a National Hispanic Heritage Month. I believe that a fun way to explore how diverse and amazing Hispanic Heritage is could be by finding a fun fact about each of the Spanish speaking countries. I think sometimes people generalize about cultures different than their own, like Hispanic and Latino culture. By showing a little factoid about each different country, it shows how each country has a unique culture.

I hope you find a fun way to celebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month and I hope you found these facts interesting!


Plaza in El SalvadorPhoto by Mauricio Cuéllar on Unsplash

Education up to ninth grade is free in the country.


Aerial view of Mexico City at night timePhoto by Oscar Reygo on Unsplash

Mexico has 68 official languages.


olive oil on piece of woodPhoto by blackieshoot on Unsplash

Spain produces over half of the world's olive oil.


Skyline in Bogota ColombiaPhoto by Random Institute on Unsplash

Colombia is the world's leading source of emeralds and its coffee is world-renown.


dock in ArgentinaPhoto by Fernando Távora on Unsplash

By land area, Argentina is the 2nd largest country in South America and the 8th largest country in the world.


Mountain with clouds in PeruPhoto by Willian Justen de Vasconcellos on Unsplash

Peru contains the second largest segment of the Amazon rainforest after Brazil.


Angel Falls in

The world's tallest waterfall, Angel Falls, is located in Venezuela.


Rodeo in

The national sport of Chile is Rodeo which is still very popular in rural areas of the country.


Charles Darwin statuePhoto by Doina Gavrilov on Unsplash

Charles Darwin developed his Theory of Coral Atolls in the Galapagos Islands.


buildings near mountain in GuatemalaPhoto by Clovis Castaneda on Unsplash

The first-ever chocolate bar was invented in Guatemala during the Mayan times.


dominoes with black backgroundPhoto by Tom Wilson on Unsplash

The game of dominoes is extremely popular in Cuba.


Salt Salar de Uyuni in

Bolivia is home to the Salar de Uyuni Salt Flats. Check it out.


Street in Santo Domingo Dominican RepublicPhoto by Ruddy Corporan on Unsplash

The capital of the Dominican Republic–Santo Domingo–is the oldest city in the new world.


Cathedral in HondurasPhoto by Héctor Emilio Gonzalez on Unsplash

The five stars on the Honduran flag represent the five countries of Central America.


countryside in ParaguayPhoto by Katelyn Barone on Unsplash

Paraguay is a bilingual nation: Guaraní is its first language and Spanish, it's second.


Colorful street in NicaraguaPhoto by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

The oldest city in Central America is the Ruins of Leon Viejo, Nicaragua which is over 1500 years old.


coastline in Costa RicaPhoto by Berti Benbanaste on Unsplash

Costa Rica hosts more than 5% of the world's biodiversity even though its landmass only takes up .03% of the planet's surface.


Panama City from a distancePhoto by Zdeněk Macháček on Unsplash

Panama is the only place in the world where you can see the sun rise on the Pacific and set on the Atlantic.


Uruguay FlagPhoto by Guilherme Hellwinkel on Unsplash

Uruguay's national anthem, which lasts more than five minutes, is the world's longest in performance duration.


Street in Puerto RicoPhoto by Alex George on Unsplash

Puerto Rico competes individually in the Olympics each year and they have won six medals total.


Church in Equatorial

It is the only country in Africa to have Spanish as an official language.

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2. You will feel like an adult but also feeling like a child.

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4. You will need to study but also want to hang out with your friends.

5. Coffee is your best friend.

6. You don't know what you're doing 99% of the time.

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19. You actually have to go to class.

20. Enjoy it, because you will be sad when it is all over.

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