34 Everyday Occurrences That Probably Irritate Us More Than They Should
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34 Everyday Occurrences That Probably Irritate Us More Than They Should

When those #FirstWorldProblems work our last nerve.

34 Everyday Occurrences That Probably Irritate Us More Than They Should

1. I'll kick this off with my biggest pet peeve: slow mall-walkers.

Especially when they take up the WHOLE FREAKING WALK WAY.

2. When you have to hold your charger at a 35.6 degree angle in order for it to actually charge your phone.

The number of times this has happened to me, and the stress it has caused, has probably taken off a solid two or three years of my life.

3. Pretty much anytime your wifi connection is too slow.

4. And any time the god-forsaken rainbow wheel-of-death appears on your screen.

5. Finally getting comfortable in bed and then realizing you have to pee.

6. Pouring a bowl of cereal only to come to the brutal realization that there is, in fact, no milk left.

7. When you're waiting in line for something, and the person behind you doesn't seem to understand the concept of personal space.

8. The fact that being "poked" on Facebook is still a thing...

9. And while I'm on this topic, sending people CandyCrush requests has GOT to stop.

I'm not going to respond to them anyways, so you might as well just save yourself the trouble of sending them in the first place.

10. When youtube makes you watch an entire ad without giving you the option to skip past it after 5 seconds.


11. When someone comes into your room and then doesn't close the door upon exiting.

12. When autocorrect thinks it knows your thoughts better than you do.

You are not my parent, autocorrect. Stop trying to prevent me from ducking swearing.

13. When Netflix kills your vibe with the "Do you wish to continue playing?" message.

Netflix, I understand that you're trying to help me have a productive day. But please kindly mind your own business.

14. When you ask your friend to navigate for you while you're driving, and they tell you to take a freeway exit with .0002 seconds notice.


15. When you're at a restaurant and you tell the waiter/waitress that you need a couple of more minutes to decide, but then they disappear for what seems like hours.

16. And when you see your waiter/waitress come out with food that you think is yours, but they pass right by your table.

That was a cruel joke.

17. When a vending machine won't take your money.

Like wtf...Why??

18. When you wave your hands in front of an automatic paper dispenser and nothing comes out, so you just look like a moron.

It's honestly so uncomfortable.

19. Also, when you're walking through an automatic door and it closes on you.

That's it. I give up. Just leave me here.

20. When you blink and your mascara/eyeliner hasn't dried yet.

21. When memes have grammatical errors..

Maybe it's just me, but it seriously takes a tenth of a freaking second to double check that.

22. When you put your earphones in and the volume is too loud, so you see your life flash before your eyes because the noise level is so startling.

What's even worse is when you make the effort of turning the volume down, and somehow this still manages to happen.

23. When you finally spot the keg at a party, but all that's left is foam.

24. When the light JUST turned green and the person behind you honks.

25. When people put the toilet paper roll on the wrong way.

(And for all those unknowingly committing this offense, it goes OVER not under)

26. Also when people finish the toilet paper roll and don't change it.

Seriously, guys. It's really not that difficult.

27. When you ask a stranger to take a photo of you and your friends, then as you're scrolling through your camera roll you come to find that EVERY SINGLE PICTURE IS BLURRY.

28. When your cat's love for you is as fickle as a summer's wind.

This is a deeply personal struggle that I face on a daily basis.

29. When someone ahead of you is switching lanes, and uses the turn signal for the opposite direction.

30. When you accidentally send a voice recording to someone via iMessage.

31. When the person right before you in line orders the last of the type of muffin you wanted.

Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too?

32. When microsoft word thinks it knows how to spell your name correctly.

33. When you ask someone, "Can I use the bathroom, please?" and they respond with, "I dunno, can you?"


34. Last but not least: when none of the guys in your life look like Channing Tatum.

Why is that so much to ask for?

And when these situations just feel like they're too much to deal with, keep this in mind:

S/O to Rachel, Megs, Jared, and Sam

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