Each morning as we primp and get ready for the day, we stare in the mirror and count the numerous of flaws we convince ourselves that we are made up. Society and the media have a special way of getting under our skin and making us feel bad about the skin we're in. Only the most beautiful and seemingly perfect sides of celebrities are plastered for the world to see, and it seems as though there are a specific set of rules that must be followed in order to reach that same level of beauty.
With social media at its peak, the pressure is on to be perfect like all of the celebrities we see. They bring out insecurities we never even knew we had.The truth is, even the most glorified models share many of the same insecurities. Lucky for them, however, they have the money to throw out on several plastic surgeries and other cosmetic procedures to help "perfect" their flaws.
While these procedures may help alter the way celebrities look, permanent changes do not equal permanent self-satisfaction. With Kim Kardashian's life being documented for the world to see for over a decade, it's no secret that her and her family are no strangers to such procedures. In an attempt to express her feeling of regret on one procedure, in particular, Kim recently spoke out about her website: "I lasered my baby hairs off years ago, because my forehead had all these little baby hairs, and I would always break out because of them. I also lasered my neck because I had such a hairy neck. Every photographer would Photoshop them out anyway, and I thought I looked better without the baby hairs, but now I miss them. I think they look youthful! So, ladies, you can always laser your hairline, but I miss mine."
Something as minute as tiny hairs on her forehead was enough to make beauty goddess Kim Kardashian feel insecure about her looks. While the world gawked over her beauty, she was gawking at her "flaws". Even the most seemingly beautiful beings feel bad about themselves from time to time.
I don't know about you, but I never noticed Kim K's baby hairs (well, maybe Photoshop has something to do with that, but that's beside the point). With that being said, all of the flaws you convince yourself you're made up of, chances are no one else even notices them.
Don't let your insecurities trick you into believing you're not beautiful.