Ah, senior year, how strange it is to think that we've finally arrived here. For these last three years we've been comfortably toeing the line of adulthood, having some resemblance of real responsibilities while still managing to be wildly irresponsible. It has been a true pleasure to be able to grow and change in this crazy place we call college.
So I think that this year—this being the last year—we should all do everything we want to do. Do all the things that sound appealing, and maybe even try some that don't. This year, let's all try to live life a little less out of habit and a little more out of intent.
Don't stress too much about the future. Whether that's finding a job or getting into grad school, those things will come in due time. Go to class, or don't, because education is important but Trashcans from Brickstreet are important-er.
Stay up late and eat that pizza, you deserve it. Wake up early to go on run because you deserve that too. Dance obnoxiously and sing at the top of your lungs. Take silly photos and post them. Don't you dare take yourself too seriously.
Spend time with your best friends and remind them of how great they are; you'd be lost without them. Try to let go of grudges you've been harboring towards people in your past, you may not have the opportunity to see them again after this year.
If by chance the collective experience of the past three years have made you weary of expressing yourself, out of fear of being judged, screw that. Feel the fear before taking a chance and then take it anyway. The best way to prevent a missed opportunity is to never turn one down.
From the first awkward encounters with new faces, to the most memorable times spent with great people, college has likely been a winding path. Now it seems that path has led you here, to this point in time and you deserve to have the time of your life.
So here's to all the things we're doing now, in this ridiculous and wondrous place. It's that time, for the last time: Ready, set, go.