Elle Woods' Top 10 Resolutions For A Fabulous 2016
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Student Life

Elle Woods' Top 10 Resolutions For A Fabulous 2016

It's a perfect year -- what's standing in your way?

Elle Woods' Top 10 Resolutions For A Fabulous 2016

Ah, New Year's resolutions. The only things on this earth with a lower success rate than New Year's resolutions are synchronized swimming for cats or any activity followed by, "Hey, y'all, watch this." Translation: Very few people follow through on their resolutions. I know I rarely do. My annual resolution to get six-pack abs usually lasts the same amount of time it takes to remember I don't like to exercise.

Though achieving your resolutions by yourself can sometimes be harder than putting a 4.0 GPA on your transcript, it can be much easier when you have someone supporting you in your time of struggle.

Elle Woods here. I'm prepared to keep you motivated (and get you whipped into shape) this coming year. Here are some resolutions I've compiled for you that, with my expertise, I know you can stick to!

Now, I know what you're thinking:

But never fear! I have complete faith in you. Here are my top 10 tips to make 2016 your best year yet! Let's count 'em down, girls.

10. Dress to impress.

You never know how much a cute outfit can change your mood (and your day). If it makes you feel confident and powerful, you deserve to strut your stuff -- no matter what the haters say. Besides, the concept of "dress well, test well" is pretty common knowledge. And who knows, that bold lip color and leather jacket might intimidate your professor enough to bump your A-minus to an A.

9. Don't kill your hair.

Though it can be quite difficult, I highly suggest frequently giving your hair a break from the heat. Taking care of your luscious locks isn't too difficult, and trust me, people are 179 percent more likely to do a double-take if you're swishing a soft, shiny 'do instead of a frizzy, fried mess. I'm "legally blonde" for a reason -- don't make me arrest you on grounds of unprovoked brutality toward your hair.

8. Listen to your professors.

Obviously, my first point here is to go to class. Please. It'll make things much easier in the long run. But also don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. And I'm begging you, please go to office hours. Not only will your classes become much more manageable, but you might learn a thing or two about life and college while you're at it. I mean, we can all assume your professors went to college at some point, right? I rest my case.

7. Don't be afraid to help others.

It might be hard to remember sometimes, but college is not a competition. One of my very favorite quotes is "someone else's success is not your failure," and it's absolutely true. Don't get so caught up in being the best that you forget to work together with your peers to succeed. Offer help if they want it, and you will receive help when you need it. College will be much easier (and way more fun) if you're not in competition with your fellow students. And besides, if you're a science major or something equally challenging, you probably won't be valedictorian anyways.

6. Get your exercise.

Everyone -- and I mean everyone -- must know by now the importance of exercise. Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't kill their husbands roommates, professors, TAs, friends, or baristas. They just don't! Plus, it's much easier to concentrate on studying when you've burned off a bunch of excess energy on the good old elliptical. And if you're absolutely positive that you can't squeeze in a workout between calculus and that pesky Delta Nu formal chapter meeting, take a page from my book and work out while you study. Hop on the treadmill with flashcards or listen to an audiobook at the squat rack. Get those guns and those grades, ladies! No liposuction on my watch!

5. Accept the things you can't change.

So what if your true love isn't your true love after all? So what if your professor gave you the wrong readings for the homework? So what if one of your "friends" no longer treats you like a friend should? Sometimes you have to live and let live. The universe is not working against you. Sit in bed, eat chocolates, and cry for a little while. But as soon as possible, brush it off, move on, and...

4. Have the courage to change the things you can.

Study hard. Eat healthier. Get more sleep. Cut out toxic people. Surround yourself with people you want to be more like. And when you say "no," mean it. Your life is in your hands, and that may mean making difficult decisions. Whether that means giving up a night out with your friends for a long night in the library or ending a relationship that's stopping you from living up to your full potential, just know that you're doing what you can to be the best version of you possible.

3. Don't back down from a challenge.

Do you think a class sounds incredibly interesting, but you're terrified it'll drop your GPA? Do you really want to try for a leadership position in your favorite campus organization? Have you always wanted to run a marathon? Are you shooting for a double major in two completely different subjects you're equally passionate about? Don't let your fear of failure stop you from taking on a challenge. You have no idea how empowering it can be to test your limits only to find out you have none. So what're you waiting for? The sky's the limit, babe, and you're about to earn your wings.

2. Own your achievements.

Sometimes modesty can be so overrated. If you cheered for yourself as much as you put yourself down, you'd be unstoppable. Stop pretending you're not smart or pretty or successful. Have confidence in your raw talent and hard work and own everything you've earned. You've worked much too hard to hide behind a facade of ambivalence. Never count on others to give you the applause you deserve.

1. Never sell yourself short.

This is the most important resolution you can make for yourself this year. Honey, you can do anything you set your mind to. So if you're going to do something, go all the way. Whether your dream is to be "legally blonde" or "medically brunette," the ball is in your court, and there's nothing stopping you from reaching your goal. I mean, if I could get into Harvard, then you can surely chase your dreams. So this year, don't hold back and don't ever tell yourself you can't. All you have to do is believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place. Trust me.

Well, now you know all of my secrets for having the perfect day year. And guess what? There's nothing standing in your way. I hope all your wildest dreams come true in 2016.


Elle Woods

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