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10 Effective Leg Exercises Every Boss Babe Needs In Her Workout Routine

Get off your bum and work those legs out!

10 Effective Leg Exercises Every Boss Babe Needs In Her Workout Routine

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Isn't having slimmer looking legs always the goal? Here are some various exercises that have been the most effective for me and others. Some are more difficult than others, but don't be afraid to challenge yourself!

1. Squats

Squats are a great basic exercise that you can easily make as challenging as you'd like. It's definitely my go to exercise.

2. Side lunges

This is a great exercise since it works for beginners and experts who can add weights! Make sure to push your butt back and keep your back and chest up.

3. Sumo deadlift

This is also great for people of all levels of ability. You can use heavy weight like is she is or use light weight.

4. Reverse lunge/kickback

This is an awesome exercise for beginners. It is also great for an at home leg workout.

5.  One-legged bench squats

This can be tricky, but you can make it easier with less weight. This is a very effective workout that will leave you very sore.

6. Sumo crab walks

This workout seems odd, and you may feel awkward while doing it, but It does a great job at targeting your legs and glutes.

7. Split squat

This is an awesome workout to target your hamstrings and your glutes. You can make it more difficult with weights as well.

8. Sumo squat pulses

This will set your legs on fire, but push through because it is super effective. You can use a cable like she did or do it with no weight at all.

9. Leg extensions

I love this exercise and I swear by it. It really targets your quads and will set your legs on fire!!

10. Pistol squats 

This is one of the most challenging leg exercises out there, but it's worth the challenge because of its effectiveness. Try it out!

These are some of the best leg exercises I've tried. They've all been super effective for me and kick my booty especially when I add lots of weight! Get off your bum and work those legs out!

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