To The Educators Who Are Discouraging Their Students' Learning, It Needs To Stop
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To The Educators Who Are Discouraging Their Students' Learning, It Needs To Stop

To the educator who is telling their students how they will fail, why don't you try telling them how they well succeed?


No matter your education level, career path, opportunities given and so on you have experienced an educator who has been less than pleasant. We have all encountered that teacher or professor who talks down to you or makes you feel like a lesser person. Well once in for all it needs to stop, this is not okay.

To the educator who is telling their students how they will fail, why don't you try telling them how they will succeed?

It is all about communication and not always being negative. If you walk into a class on day one and tell students how they will do well they are more prone to actually follow through with it. But when you walk in guns a blazing and telling your students all the ways they will not pass, your instilling a stigma that they will struggle.

To the educator who is clouded with doom and gloom, don't spread that to us. We pay the university to get knowledge and insight into the careers we hope to go into. We are looking to you for guidance on how we can be the best we can be. When we walk into a class we do not want you to tell us everything negative that could possibly happen.

We are in a vulnerable state and need to hear some positivity amongst all the stress in obtaining a diploma. We do not need to hear all the bad things that happened to you, we need to hear about the days that made you keep going.

To the educator who tells you, you should change your major. It is not their place. They have no right to tell you how you should spend your life. Professors should give you advice and tools on how you can do better. They should not jump to conclusions and assume you will fail in life.

Just because I am struggling in your ONE class does not mean I will fail in my career. You are a teacher and are suppose to be a role model, there is no reason you should be telling me that I am not good enough. People in our society wonder why certain professions are dwindling and this is why. Because of negative, pessimistic teachers.

To the educator who is not putting in effort into their course, please try. Not only do we pay a lot of money to be heard but I want to learn. I want to succeed. And I do not want to look at your class as a joke.

When you are not creating assignments, giving constructive feedback or even caring if people show up it is only going to hurt me in the future. I need the handouts, the lectures and for you to go that extra mile so I feel prepared in the coming years. I should not have to come to class and feel like you threw it together five minutes before.

I need to see your passion, I need to know how you got through what I am dealing with right now. If you do not have a passion for your own class why should I?

To the educator who treats me as if I am disposable, it is not your place. When I walk into a class and you talk down to me it is completely uncalled for. You demand respect but do not give out any yourself.

You have no right to treat me as if I don't matter because I should. I should be a priority to you during the semester of your class, it is your job. You have no right to try and scare me out of your class or make me feel like if I do not get an 'A' I am incompetent.

I am trying. I am putting in all my effort and If I am not reaching your standards then you should coach me so that I am. Instead of talking to me like I am a child who will go nowhere in life.

To the educator who sets up their course with unreasonable expectations, remember we are only human. We are taking several classes along with yours and are just trying to balance life. If I miss one day there is no reason to treat me like a pariah I promise I just needed a minute.

If I ask for one extension I am not taking advantage of you I am just struggling and need a helping hand. Remember we are here because we want to learn so please set up your class that way. There is no need to act like your class is better than anyone else's of that we should put it over others. You should want us to respect all our professors just as you want us to respect you.

But most importantly if you are an educator who hates their job, please get out of it. It shows when you hate your job and that creates a bad stigma for our class. You will not give me everything I need if you have no interest in the class yourself.

Teaching is hard and teaching multiple classes isn't meant to be easy, but it is what you chose to do. No one is making you do this. I should not have to sit through several hours a week of a bitter professor who doesn't want to be there. If you do not have the heart for it anymore then go do something else.

I know college is supposed to be hard, I am not denying that. But I cannot condone the fact that some professors treat students as if they do not matter. I pay a lot to be here and do not deserve to be in a class where a teacher makes light of that.

A college degree is an investment and I feel like I am loosing out on that due to the lack of quality professors. It would be nice if they put more effort into the structure of their class, but at the very least just caring and showing heart for what they are doing.

To all the people who wonder why some students drop out or change degrees a million times, this is why. When you are constantly dealing with educators who seem like they want you to fail it is hard to want to keep going. If you have had experiences like this you are not alone.

Try not to let it get to you and discourage your learning. Do not change your degree and push through it. It might be terrible now but that professor in the years to come will not matter. I know its hard but they are not worth your tears or stress.

You got this and I promise, you have plenty of people in your corner who do want to see YOU succeed!

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