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The 6 Best Stores To Shop In When You're Just A Little Bit Tipsy

It's like drunk online shopping, but like, irl

The 6 Best Stores To Shop In When You're Just A Little Bit Tipsy
Photo by Artem Kim on Unsplash

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If your hometown is anything like mine there are chain restaurants surrounding your mall. From Olive Garden to Applebee's, Red Robin to On The Border, the chain restaurants do not end.

These glorified fast food spots are the best for a quick bite to eat, but offer something McDonald's can't: alcohol. I typically meet a friend at one of these restaurants before we set out on a shopping endeavor and end up getting a glass (or 2) of wine or a marg. By the time we leave and start shopping, I have a little buzz going which I found on a Saturday afternoon makes shopping that much more fun.

I had my first taste of tipsy shopping in Las Vegas where you can drink on the strip and most places let you bring your drink in and it was AMAZING. Ready to give this a try? Here are the places you should make sure you shop at when you're just a little bit tipsy:

1. Target

I mean, duh! The holy grail. Try on that dress girl! Buy those shoes! Get lost in the home decor! The activities in Target are ENDLESS and makes your Target run more exciting.

2. World Market

World Market has beautiful home furnishings and interesting food to explore. You will wander through the aisles wishing you could afford to furnish your college house rental with these pieces. The design inspiration you leave World Market with will have you dreaming about it for days.

3. Sephora

When you're just a little bit tipsy, you're more confident. Try that bold lip out! Buy that palette you've been dreaming of!

4. Marshalls or T.J. Maxx

These bargain stores will be thanking your wallet as you leave, let's be honest, one stop here when you're tipsy and you have the desire to update your wardrobe.

5. Homegoods

After you've updated your wardrobe and you're still dreaming of all the furniture at World Market, stop by Homegoods. You can actually afford the home decor here.

6. Costco

Everyone's favorite warehouse, it's not just another grocery store - it's so much more. You will get lost in the maze of aisles and you know what? That's ok. Also, the "food court" has amazing food that is extremely affordable. If you don't have a Costco membership I feel bad for you BUT you can still access the food court without a membership - eat your heart out.

One place you should not go is a grocery store, I went to Meijer and I was MISERABLE.

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