Drunk Driving Is Never The Right Choice, And This Shouldn't Be News To you | The Odyssey Online
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Drunk Driving Is Never The Right Choice, And This Shouldn't Be News To you

This is never okay. Ever.

Nikola Bikar - Unsplash

The most recent traumatic memory I have imprinted in my brain, was the moment I was waking up to a car accident, a rear-ending, but luckily no one was hurt, and no one was under the influence.

Thereafter, I have been a nervous wreck while driving anywhere, because I have quickly noticed that NOBODY KNOWS HOW TO DRIVE. So I can only imagine how awful any driver would be while being drunk! I truly cannot fathom the idiocy behind drunk driving.

The question I have to ask is: How drunk do you have to be to think that driving is ever okay? Because it's not! Ever!! I don't care if you have had two drinks, and you can walk in a straight line.. I will never get in a vehicle with you. There's something that I think everyone lacks, because they think it's uncool to be safe nowadays, and that's responsibility. You can be a responsible drinker or party-goer, and still have fun, you know? I think there is a fine line in being a dumb-ass, and being smart in this situation.

If I ever have an inkling that I will have an ounce of any alcoholic beverage, then I usually work out transportation details in advance or I plan on staying wherever I drink. IT'S THAT SIMPLE! There is also something about responsible drinking that people don't seem to grasp and that is the fact that you do not have to get black-out drunk. Those who do this clearly have no levels of limitations.

Once I feel "buzzed" then I call it a night. Sometimes I can overdo it, but I would never ever get behind the wheel and assume that I can take my life and others' into my own hands when I can barely keep my eyes open (I fall asleep immediately after I drink... don't ask me why... I'm basically ninety years old). That's selfish, and beyond inconsiderate of everyone else.

PSA: If you're underage... and you don't want to get caught by your parents, then get a friend who is sober... if no one is sober... then call an Uber... if you have no money, then call the police... they would gladly escort you home, because they would rather you be safe, and if you're too afraid of being caught.. then I don't care.. call someone else. Your parents would rather you call them and be safe than to risk your own life by assuming that you're okay to drive. Don't do it, please.

Last week, in my hometown, there was a head-on collision with a drunk driver on the highway. Four teenagers that I graduated with were hospitalized, and three of them were in a coma. The drunk driver will never live with the consequences of what he had done... by being irresponsible.

He died on the impact, so his family lost a loved one. They lost a life to drunk driving, and it was all because he thought he would be okay to drive. I don't care how old you are, or how experienced of a drinker or drunk-driver that you may think you are.. don't do it. Please. Now, a family lost someone they loved, and four families are praying and hoping that their children heal and recover safely so that they can continue their lives the way that they were intended to.

An update on the four teenagers: One had broken legs, he had surgery and he's okay. He's receiving physical therapy treatment, and will be okay. Another one broke every single bone in his body besides his neck and back, and he was very lucky. He woke up from his coma, and had his jaw wired shut.. he is in recovery and will be okay. Another had her jaw wired shut and she also woke up from her coma, she will be okay.

The last one... she had severe brain damage and they didn't think she would make it. She broke her neck, and they were going to perform brain surgery on her, but couldn't because it had swollen too much. They had to relieve the pressure. She woke up today, and she is breathing on her own. She is talking and moving. It is a miracle, a beautiful miracle, that these teenagers made it out of this terrible accident alive.

So please, please think again before you drive under the influence. You could cost someone else their life or lives, and you could cost your own. So think again.

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