Why Spending Your Spring Break With Family Is The Move
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Why Spending Your Spring Break With Family Is The Move

Spring break might not be all about the party scene.

Why Spending Your Spring Break With Family Is The Move
Travel Channel

Spring break is heralded by many as perhaps the most iconic social experience afforded to college undergraduates. The name itself evokes images of beaches swamped with elated students, inebriated far beyond reason and partying like it’s 1999. Of course, whether by choice or lack thereof, many students find themselves at home, catching up with family and taking a much-needed break from the academic rigors of college life. I found myself torn between two options, and I wound up with a unique alternative: family spring break.

Family spring break? Isn’t that just a family vacation? It might sound like it, but that’s not what I meant. See, I live with only my mom, and as an only child, I’ve never had anything remotely close to the stereotypical family vacation. I’ve never been to DisneyWorld. I’ve never been to Universal Studios. In fact, before college, I had never been to Florida, long considered the hottest spring break destination. When my mom asked if I wanted to go for spring break, I was enthusiastic about the idea. After all, her aunt and uncle had just moved there, and staying with them would be much cheaper than chipping in for a hotel. Just like that, my mom and I were heading to Fort Myers.

I was immediately aware of the benefits of staying with family. They could serve as tour guides, introducing us to local history (as it turns out, Fort Myers was the home of turn-of-the-century entrepreneurs Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Harvey Firestone) and taking us to the best local restaurants. By the time we had settled in, though, I began to realize some of the drawbacks of staying with family. We weren’t staying particularly close to the city proper, and without our own vehicle, we were stuck at the house unless we all agreed to go somewhere. I, an 18-year-old college freshman with numerous friends scattered throughout the state of Florida, was isolated in a gated community with three adults, each over 50. Needless to say, I couldn’t get lit.

In stark contrast to the authentic spring break experience, I had the luxury of visiting a bevy of more relaxed locales. On our first day, we went to a local taco festival. Who doesn’t love tacos? [Editor’s note: Monsters. Monsters don’t like tacos.] As luck would have it, a friend from my dorm was staying on the other side of town, and I met up with her there for a short while. We spent a day at a secluded beach in the middle of a tortoise reserve. I passed multiple evenings lounging in the underground pool, swimming up to the edge to grab sips of my cocktail. Another day, we drove up to two offshore islands, Sanibel and Captiva; the island beaches were covered in that famous white sand.

After giving it more thought, I’m starting to come around to the idea that maybe this was the best way to spend spring break. I definitely saved a good deal of money having my mom pay for my flight and most of my meals; I got to eat lobster, filet mignon, fresh gulf shrimp, and salmon without paying a dime! I picked up some obscure souvenirs, including a few seashells, a ceramic solo cup shot glass from Sanibel Island and a wooden pipe shaped like a guitar. I feel well-rested. Sure, I didn’t get to shotgun a ton of Natty Lite, but at the same time, I don’t have to deal with the repercussions of shotgunning a ton of Natty Lite. Plus, I learned from my great-uncle how to make a wicked Moscow Mule. I found authentic Moscow Mule mugs waiting on my doorstep when I got home Thursday night - how neat is that!? Heck, I even got a couple days to spend with friends before coming back to school. It might not have been a typical vacation, but I definitely enjoyed staying with family despite the sacrifices. I think you might too.

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