I Did A Smartphone Detox And So Should You
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I Did A Smartphone Detox And So Should You

The most necessary detox you should be doing in 2016.

I Did A Smartphone Detox And So Should You

Detoxes are often given major publicity from celebrities everywhere. But they’re also beaten down by health professionals because there isn’t proof to back up half of the cleanses that are trending around the social media world.

For all of you who are sticking their noses in their air, thinking that you're too good to follow in the detox steps of the Kardashians, I dare you to do this one.

The Smartphone Detox.

I know you’re laughing at this already, but bear with me.

So many people say they aren’t addicted to their smartphones. You might not be addicted, but I can bet my last dollar that you’re obsessed. If you can’t go 20 minutes without checking what Kylie Jenner is up to on Instagram, this is the detox for you.

I immediately judged this and thought, “no way am I giving up my beloved iPhone 6 because of a fad.”

But my boyfriend (who thinks I am addicted to my phone) dared me to. So I did it.

Monday - Unfollow people who aren't your real friends, unsubscribe from unwanted email lists, and delete apps you don't use.

The detox starts off easily.

I unfollowed roughly 40 people on Instagram, 30 people on Twitter, and 45 ‘friends’ on Facebook. I thought I was going to notice that these people were off of my timelines, but I never did. It was actually extremely satisfying.

I unsubscribed from 16 emailing lists. I recommend doing this even if you don’t want to take part in the whole week. My inbox was instantly clutter-free and the annoying notifications came few and far between.

As far as apps go, I have major OCD about the organization of my phone so I don’t have apps other than the basics and the ones Apple won’t let you delete.

Tuesday - Turn off push notifications.

This was my favorite day. I turned off every notification besides my text message notifications, ESPN (I liked keeping score updates), and CNN. Everything else I turned off. No more Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Pinterest, or LinkedIn.

After this day, I honestly found myself looking at my phone less and less. You don’t realize how often your phone is notifying you of something until you turn off the notifications. I started believing in this detox after Tuesday.

Wednesday - Resist the urge to look at your phone first thing in the morning.

This is where the detox started getting difficult. The first thing I do every morning is look at my phone. I usually even lay in bed 20 minutes longer than I should because I find myself on Twitter or updating Facebook. Even when I tell myself I am not going to, I still do it. But this time I was out to prove my boyfriend wrong, so I made sure I did it. When I woke up, I immediately went to the bathroom and straight to the kitchen for breakfast. I never checked it one time. After I was finished with breakfast, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I began to start my day without my phone because I forgot about it. I couldn’t believe how fast I got ready for the day without my phone.

Thursday - Set up a charging station outside of your bedroom, and don't look at your phone an hour before bed.

Again, another difficult day. If you’re anything like me, you spend an extra half hour in bed reading social media before going to bed. You head to bed at 11:00pm but don’t find yourself putting your phone down and rolling over until 11:30pm. It happens every night, even when I am not tired. I sleep with my phone next to my bed because I get nervous that something is going to happen during the night and I’ll need to be available to answer. So I did break the rule and kept the charging station in my room, but set it up on the other side of my bedroom. I left it on Do Not Disturb but it wasn’t next to my bed.

Friday - Go out to dinner, and leave your phone at home.

My family and I did not end up going to dinner; we ended up eating at home. But, I left my phone in my bedroom for the entire meal. I never realized that my phone is such a distraction even when it is in my purse or my pocket. I thoroughly enjoyed the company of my family without any interruptions on my part. I recommend doing this even if you aren’t completing the whole week. It’s necessary in this day and age.

Saturday - Spend the day not looking at or posting to social media.

I’m not really a poster (unless it’s on Instagram), but I am definitely a looker. I give up social media for Lent every year. I delete the apps and everything. So for me, this was easy. I just completely ignored it all day. For some people this is easier said than done, but for me this was actually one of the easier days.

Last but not least, Sunday - Turn off your smartphone for the entire day.

Literally impossible, right? Now I kept my phone on because if I don’t respond to my mom’s texts within an hour, I get five more asking where I am and if I am alive. So for that purpose, I left my phone on. But I made the conscious effort to act as if it was off. Let me tell ya, my day was great. No distractions, no notifications; just a calm, happy Sunday.

All in all, this was necessary for me to really part ways with my smartphone. Yes, I broke some of the rules here and there, but overall it was so worth it. If you even think for a second you might be obsessed with your phone, you need to do this detox. It’s a week later and all the apps I deleted are still off of my phone. I never turned back on notifications, and my phone charges on the other side of my room. It changed my life in more ways than one.


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