Developed And Then Strategically Implanted
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Developed And Then Strategically Implanted

The American Conspiracy Behind HIV/AIDS And The CIA

Developed And Then Strategically Implanted
Economy Decoded

The colors red, white and blue as a collective unit have come to symbolize America and all that is stands for: freedom, equality, the pursuit of happiness, the Melting Pot, the site of pursing the American Dream, oh, and conspiracy. The colors that we so gallantly parade dominate the world’s global economy, representing the largest distribution of manufactured goods and services, as well as a massive contribution to higher learning educational standards that exists worldwide.

History is written and recreated by its victors. Those who preside over any number of conflicts, have the ability to manipulate those events. History is therefore reconstructed to appear as it should have, rather than how it actually did. America, the land of the free, is also undeniably the site of mass conspiracy and the theories that have driven such conclusions.

Many of you may be familiar with the concept of conspiracy theories. Maybe the Sandy Hook massacre was staged by the government in an attempt to call attention to gun control. Maybe 9/11 was manipulated and bombs, in fact, contributed to the collapsing of the Twin Towers, rather than planes. Many of these theories are objective, or maybe even abstract. But in actuality, that’s what conspiracy theories are. That is what they represent, abstraction based on uncertainty.

A conspiracy theory is “a theory that explains an event as being the result of a plot by a covert group or organization; a belief that a particular unexplained event was caused by such a group.” The majority of uncovered conspiracy theories have been so far-stretched that they seem developed based completely on paranoia. While many are, in fact rather abstract or even inconceivable, I’d like to introduce you to a theory that you may or may not have been remotely aware of.

The Central Intelligence Agency, better referred to as the CIA, operates as a sector of the U.S. federal government, collecting and disseminating foreign intelligence information critical to formulating policies relating directly to our nation’s natural security agency. However, as politically correct as their role seems, many have placed the CIA under scrutiny as being the cornerstone of HIV/AIDS development and dissemination. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced the epidemic in 1981. Since its initial spread, HIV/AIDS, which are not to be confused as being the same disease, has killed more than 25 million people on a global scale, while nearly 34 million currently live with the disease, and many believe the CIA is to blame.

Initially, little was known about the disease, but what was certain was that it was first integrated within the homosexual community, and then made a strange appearance within the African American population. Initially dubbed, “gay cancer,” the HIV/AIDS epidemic was thought to be a derivative of drug engagement and promiscuity, particularly anal sex between men. When the epidemic broadened its scope from existing within the realm of the homosexual community to being discovered in Central Africa, many began raising questions about the origin of such a catastrophic disease.

The introduction and dissemination of HIV/AIDS to the homosexual community of Manhattan in 1979 is often referred to as a biologic phenomenon that has no justified conclusion. But it wasn’t difficult for America to grasp hold to the idea that HIV/AIDS spurred from within the gay community and here’s why:

American gays were the perfect target to test a new retrovirus. A largely homophobic public would easily accept HIV infection in gays, due to their purported promiscuity and drug use. Few people would believe the US government would secretly test biologic agents on its civilians, although there is a well-documented history of secret unethical experimentation extending back to the Cold War of the 1950s which includes the government’s horrendous “radiation experiments.”

Conspiracy theories are typically marked by a strange or coincidental occurrence. In 1978, a new Hepatitis B vaccine emerged from the inner medical market. Many gay men in New York City agreed to participate in the experimentation of the vaccine. Consequently, the next year, the CDC had begun receiving its first claims of an obscure virus, later detected as being AIDS. Coincidence? Probably not.

Skeptical theorists agree that there is a lack of evidence explaining white, gay males were the only people engaged sexually with Africans. At this time, the epidemic had not even been conceived in Africa. So, it was merely impossible for a disease, transmitted via sex or blood exchange, to infect a segregated population of white, gay, and mostly young, men. How did two geographically separate and culturally distinct groups become the harvest sites for HIV/AIDS?

It’s unexplained and seemingly illogical development has led many to believe that HIV/AIDS was manufactured within a laboratory setting by the United States’ very own, the CIA, as a means to curtail, or even exterminate, the homosexual and African American populations in America. We’re living within an age I’d easily dub as The Age of Depopulation and it is no secret that our society, whether American or global, tends to favor races/ethnicities and sexual orientations presented by the masses, rather than by minority groups. Blacks and Homosexuals have a long history of exclusion, segregation and hatred, thus creating a seemingly natural parasite to covertly depopulate these groups would seem in reach. Systematic oppression might reach a dramatic shift, where we can swap oppression for genocide.

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