This feels bold. I'm almost scared to write this because it obligates me to apply these words I'm writing. One phrase has been sitting with me all week: Their stories matter. It's time we listened.
I saw a video the other day, telling the story of a woman who had escaped from ISIS. You can watch the video here. (Warning: The video is graphic.)
She was broken and raw. Her brokenness reached out to me and stuck with me. What do we do as believers when faced with darkness? Sometimes, this world overwhelms me with the pain and suffering I see others face. There are moments where I feel helpless, unable to stop the hard things from happening.
That's when I'm reminded of the gospel and the One who died for humanity in all of its darkness, pain, and sin. He bore the depravity that is apparent for all to see and the depravity hidden in our hearts. We are not the same people we once were before Christ changed us. We are not helpless because we have the ear of The Most High God, and He has called us to be salt and light in this dark world.
So I'll say it again: Their stories matter. God cares about every single one of them, and He wants us to care too. We have been placed where we are to do something. We who are free have the opportunity to help those who are not. That is an uncomfortable and vulnerable place to be because it causes us to go further than we've ever gone before. God is calling you, and I to step out in faith and pierce the darkness with His light. For so many of us, we've spent the majority of our Christian lives in the church pew, being poured into, but never pouring out. It can be scary to step out and do something, anything, but Christian, I'm speaking to myself and speaking to you when I say listen to their stories. Listen to your neighbor or the person in front of you in line at the grocery store. Listen to the man or woman or child on the other side of the world. Let their brokenness meet your's and break your heart. We are all broken, and there is only One who can heal us where we are. Let's face the darkness and reach right back with God's love.
Some practical things we can do:
1. Pray. Never doubt the power of God to answer your prayers in a miraculous way.
2. Take time to listen to someone's story as you go about your day. It doesn't have to be the person who lives across the ocean. It can be the person who lives across the street. We all have hurts and struggles, and who knows how God can use you to encourage and help someone who's hurting.
3. Give. We may never travel around the world, but we all have something to give. We are so blessed with the resources God has given us as a nation. Give God your money to help a persecuted Christian or a people group who has not ever heard about Jesus or to help the poor, sick and wounded. You can give your time and talents on mission trips or even volunteer locally. These are some great organizations where you can give financially or volunteer locally in Jacksonville: