Dear Bay Area,
I always said I wanted to move as far away as possible from you when I was older; now that I am actually away from you I can't wait to come back. I miss saying hella, spending my Saturdays roaming San Francisco, and stalking E-40 around town with friends. I am proud to be from the "bay", because the bay area is my bae area. I kind of hate myself for just saying that but it's ok, I'll shake it off. Now whenever I get the opportunity to come home I jump at the chance to. I miss the bay and everything in it. As I live in Washington now I miss the things I once hated the most. I miss the Bay because...
1. Wearing costumes in public. Such as Santa Con, because there's nothing better than dressing up as Santa Claus in the city.
2. Waiting at least an hour in line on the streets of Berkeley for a CREAM sandwich.
3. Farmers markets.
4. Guy Fieri, even though he doesn't actually do anything except eat other peoples food.
5. When people say "San Fran" you want to push them into the bay.
6. Everyone in the Bay Area is afraid of melting like The Wicked Witch when it rains.
7. You get sad when nobody else listens to Bay Area rap.
8. When music is called slaps not bangers or bumps.
9. A good meal. Making you a low-key food snob.
10. You haven't been to Pier 39 since elementary school, and get mad at tourists around the city.
11. You'd rather stay home than make the drive to Santa Cruz because that's a drive nobody wants to do.
12. You think Uber is a pretty normal way of getting around.
13. You went to Alcatraz on a field trip and not again since.
14. You know what cars parked along the side of the road at Grizzly Peak are REALLY doing.
15. You will never ever move anywhere else. Why would you?
Even if you're only in the bay for a little while or have lived here your entire life, like me, you'll probably think "omg that's so true." And if you don't, you should probably move back to So Cal. Or at least Silicon Valley...